Rotary Club of Mentor
About Our Club

Welcome To The Rotary Club of Mentor.
We are a local organization of neighbors, friends, leaders and problem solvers who see the world where people unite and take action to create lasting change in our ourselves, our community and around the world. Our Club is part of Rotary International, a global organization comprised of 46,000+ clubs with 1.4 million members.
Rotary was founded in 1905 by Paul Harris in Chicago to develop a club for fellowship and to provide service to others, The name "Rotary" was derived from the early practice of rotating the meeting location between members' offices.
The idea spread throughout the U.S.A. and around to the world to an organization whose mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional and community leaders.
Mentor Rotary was formed in 1967 and has been fulfilling Rotary's mission for over 55 years. Our projects include supporting:
- "Be the Match" the National Bone Marrow Registry for bone marrow donors as one of their first sponsors.
- The Lake County Board of Developmental Disabilities and the Miracle League with building projects including a Special Olympics training room, equipment for the interactive recreation area at Broadmoor School, bleachers for the stadium, an on-going wood working project for clients and an annual Christmas Party at Lake Farm Parks.
- Our First Responders, where we purchased defibrillators to ensure each patrol car has a unit.
- Our students with programs recognizing their Theatre programs, Skills training and Speech competition with awards and scholarships.
- Our Senior Citizens by providing volunteer drivers for the "Meals on Wheels" programs and installing large, visible address plaques on homes to allow emergency responders to provide quicker assistance.
- Our Parks with projects where we help clean our beaches.
- The Lake Humane Society, who is not a recipient of government funding.
- Partnering with Rotary International for global projects promoting Education, Clean Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Promoting Peace, Protecting Mothers and Children, Protecting the Environment, Growing Local Economies and a substantial initiative to Fight Disease where Rotary has partnered with the United Nations as a key private partner to eradicate polio.
We enjoy fellowship through our main club that meets for lunch most Thursdays at Mentor Harbor Yachting Club and our satellite club that meets for breakfast twice a month in Willoughby, where we enjoy a meal, sharing ideas and hearing interesting speakers.
More information about Rotary International and Mentor Rotary is available on our Home Page by clicking the link above.