On Wednesday, June 29, 2016 the Burton-Middlefield Rotary held the Annual Changeover of Club Officers and Directors at "The Venue" at Wicked Woods. President Burrly Burr passed the reins of leadership over to Jim Croup. Jim was inducted as president by PDG Bob Johnson. The rest of the Officers and Directors were also sworn in by PDG Bob Johnson.

The new Board of Directors:
President.........................Jim Croup
President Elect.................Jim Dvorak
President Nominee...........Kathy Rose-Vatty
Immediate Past Pres........Burrly Burr
Secretary........................Susan Paolo
Treasurer.......................Vicki Blair
Club Service...................David Brigham
Community Service.........Mary Yeager
International Service.......PDG Bob Johnson
Youth Service.................David Terrill
Vocational Service..........Jim Eldridge
(Photos courtesy of Marty Pesek)
           PDG Bob Johnson swears in new President Jim Croup.
          Congratulations to the new club leadership! And thanks to Burrly and the rest of the board for their service.