The meeting was called to order by club president, Tom Craig. Our speaker was fellow Rotarian, Rev. Ralph Young. Announcements were made: Rev Vic Myers shared that the award for Barberton's 125th Anniversary logo contest will be awarded at the half time of the January 22, 2016 Magics Basketball Game. The club members will have a chance to share their ideas for the clubs direction at the planning meeting for the second half of the Rotary Year. Our next club meeting, on January 7. 
Rev Young shared he has been a Rotarian for 53 years, having joined in 1962 when he was a pastor in W. Va. Rev Young encouraged club members to make a difference in the world- feed the poor, heal the sick and welcome the stranger in your midst. He also shared some of his favorite Yogiisms:the future ain't the same as it used to be.