About Our Club
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The Barberton Rotary Club was started under the wing of the Akron Rotary Club. M.S. Yoder, then President of the Chamber of Commerce, and U.L. Light, Superintendent of Schools worked with the organization committee to prepare the Barberton Rotary Club charter.

The first formal meeting of the group was held in the Peoples Bank Club rooms on Wednesday, February 13th, 1924. U.L. Light, who had been designated as chairman of the organization committee by the Akron Club, presided at the meeting. He outlined the purpose of the meeting and at the conclusion of his talk a formal resolution to apply for charter in the Rotary International was adopted. A nominating committee was appointed resulting in the nomination and election of the following officers:
President : U.L. Light
V President: H.A. Rudd
Sergeant-at Arms: E.S. Longenecker
Secretary-Treasurer: W.A. Mills
Directors at Large: R.E. Haley, A.O. Austin, H.L. Smallman

The local club continued under the wing of the Akron club for many weeks following the organization meeting. Akron was liberal with its assistance and advise. The Barberton Club depended upon Akron almost entirely for speakers during the first few weeks.

Rotarians were present from nearly every city in N.E. Ohio at Charter Night for the Barberton Rotary Club