Posted by Michael Schaff on Aug 29, 2017

Hank Bounds, President of the University of Nebraska System.

Today we gathered at the Scotts Bluff Country Club, and after our usual rituals of the opening of the meeting, we had announcements. Jack Baker informed us of a Texas Hold-Em Charity Poker event at the country club on Thursday, September 14th. The benefit is for Alzheimer’s Dementia. Our speaker today is Hank Bounds, President of the University of Nebraska system. Mr. Bounds spoke briefly of what is happening at the University of Nebraska and left time for questions. Information shared included; largest enrollment in the University’s history, increase in diplomas given, and there is an impact due to the University of 3.9billion dollars.  Mr. Bounds and the university know there is going to be an adjustment in funding from the state and has formed a committee to come up with ways to save money, while keeping the quality and affordability of a college education. They are looking at running the system as a business and have consolidated administrative offices to benefit from quantity of scale. An example he gave was one H.R. department instead of one at each campus. They also have changed the reimbursement percentage on mileage and are able to save. Research continues to offer opportunities to excel and the university is pioneering areas such as agriculture, cancer drugs, and weapons of mass destruction.