Posted by Michael Schaff on Apr 24, 2018

Air Link Medical Flight Service

President Knutson was back today and announced that although the numbers are not back yet, this year’s Rotary Gold Event appears to be the largest yet. Our student guests this week were Mariah Jones, a senior at Scottsbluff who hopes to attend U.N.K. and major in social work. Our other guest was Tyler Fadorchek, from Gering who has set his goal on becoming a baker and opening a bakery. The scheduled program was not able to make the meeting and so our program chair, John Mentgen, called in a favor from Dr. Pete Meyer. Dr. Meyer is an emergency trauma physician and medical director of Airlink helicopter medical transportation. The program began in 1995 and covers a four state area; Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado and South Dakota. It has served 7500 patients since November of 2017.  Dr. Meyer had a power point presentation introducing the flight staff and explaining that they are working hospital staff when not in flight. The exciting news is Air Link has added a fixed wing plane to the fleet. Research shows that if transporting more than an hour’s flight away, it is quicker to use a plane and transport to and from the treating facility. The new plane will allow Air Link to replace Eagle Med as the fixed wing carrier and also to allow the use of the same crew for both the plane and the helicopter. Dr. Meyer is very excited about this addition and hopes to have the plane in service by July.