A wonderful group of Rotarians and friends have embarked on a journey that will not only change the lives of many children in the Philippines but will impact each of them in ways that one can only imagine. After more than 29 hours of travel with 3 layovers already under their belt, the team made up of Lisa Collin, David Boudreau, Amy Luckiewicz, Sue Luckiewicz, Bob Wood, Alan Michel, Bob Arsenault and Barbara Meehan Hofelichhas arrived in Cebu City.
Conspicuous by their common Rotoplast t shirts, many have noticed and asked them about their journey. Upon sharing their stories with fellow travelers, they were inspired by the warm greetings and well wishes from all.
Over the next week, these committed people will share an amazing experience in the support of cleft palate surgeries for hundreds of children in the area surrounding Cebu City. The lives that they will change in ways hard to comprehend is a true testament to the love that they, and we as Rotarians, have for all! By the time this mission is completed, more than 1,000 patients from Cebu will have been treated over the past 13 years. Keep an eye out for more details as this journey unfolds and please keep an eye out on the District Facebook page for regular posts, photos and videos.
"The Rotoplast mission team wanted to say that they are thinking about their friends back home every day. The patients and their families are well aware of the contributions of everyone back in District 7930."
The warm welcome by the almost 50 Rotarians and team partners in Cebu was inspiring. Obviously, by the time they checked into their hotel, they were exhausted but exhilirated. And to their surprise, posted on a billboard outside their windows was an EndPolioNow message. How fitting, the polio eradication effort started with one small club in the Philippines and has grown to a worldwide commitment to eradicate polio. Even though we are this close, we must push on.