Sep 24, 2016
United States

ATTENTION: Rotary Club Youth Service, Interact, RYLA and LEAD committee chairs:


Please help spread the word about our upcoming 3rd Annual Interact Leadership Conference.


I have attached the following for you to forward to all Interact Faculty Advisors, Interact

Officers and members, any friends of interact, or anybody interested in knowing more about



  1. Registration form
  2. Parent permission form
  3. Initial conference announcement
  4. Press release copies below
  5. Tentative agenda


The conference is on September 24th so please make it a priority to get the word out. There is no

online registration or payment. All forms and payments must be mailed to me at:


                                    203 Church Avenue

                                    Chula Vista, CA 91910



Press Release for Interact Training


Rotary District 5340 is hosting a one-day leadership program for local high school Interact Clubs. Now in its third year, this event is held on a Saturday in September and provides local training for Interact officers and club members. The training takes students through a series of experiential learning activities to develop and enhance their leadership skills.


This year’s program is at the Liberty Station Conference Center on Saturday September 24th from 8:30 am until 3:30 pm. It will focus on presentation skills, an annual Interact District Project, leadership styles, and making meetings work. Additionally, club members and officers will have time to plan projects with their Rotarian if present. A small group SWAP session will be held so clubs can share details of successful events they have hosted and learn from others’ challenges. Advisers will have the opportunity to network and observe what their students are learning so follow up at schools can be inclusive and productive.


A Subway lunch is included in the program cost of $35.00 per person. All leadership training is provided by Leadership Outlook experienced staff. Leadership Outlook is a small group of individuals, headed by Susan Moerder, UC San Diego Leadership Instructor. Susan has worked with students leaders across the state of California; she has presented state-wide and nationally, and has a desire to instill positive leadership skills in high school students.



           Richard F. Arroyo, Esq.

   Chula Vista Sunset Rotary Club

   District Interact Chair 2016-2017


             Cell: (619) 370-9074
