ImageProbably one of the biggest makeovers of a website in the history of the internet took place on Aug 26th.  The website:

This is a big change from what was there before.  There were a number of problems with the old website including the ability to find anything that you were looking for.  The search function was one of the main issues.  It's not that it was a badly designed website, it's more that it was huge and the layout wasn't as user friendly as it could be.  That is all in the past.

The new website has a different philosophy in how it works.  Instead of a menu system it's more of who you are and what do you want to do.  The concept as I understand it is to lead you through the website based on what you wish to do or learn, instead of the old way of hunt and peck.  Now you have to follow a path along a subject instead of the old method of going directly to the page you wanted to see. The problem with the old method was that it was very hard to find that page unless you knew exactly where it was.  The new method is more user friendly especially to those who are unfamiliar with what we do.

For example the homepage is new a bunch of images and topics with links on each one

Main theme: Get involved which has images and links of

Join Leaders

  • Explore Rotary clubs - Learn about Rotary Clubs and find one near you.
  • Develop Leadership Skills - Learn about our emerging leader clubs

Exchange Ideas

  • Share Diverse Perspectives - Learn about our multidisciplinary approach
  • Advance Your Education - Learn more about scholarships and Peace Fellowships
  • Discover New Cultures - Learn more about our exchange programs

Take Action

  • Explore Our Causes - Learn more about our work.
  • Join a Project - Learn more about how you can get involved
  • Partner with us - Learn how we work with other organizations

Find a club

There are still menus but they have been pared to the bone.  We have the "Get Involved" section above.

About Rotary with links to

  • Our structure
  • Our history
  • Financials

News & Features with links to

  • News
  • Features
  • Media Center

Finally there is "My Rotary" which is setup for each Rotarian and requires a login.  If you were setup before for the Rotary Portal you will have to sign in again.  It's easier this time but you have to setup a new profile.  Once you have done that the layout of the members only area in much more intuitive.

We will be writing articles on each of these sections as we go along.  For now I recommend that you signup to the new website and get your profile up to date.
