Posted by Richard Clarke

Seventeen Resolutions to the 2017 Council on Resolutions received a positive response from the Council and were forwarded to the R.I. Board of Directors for consideration. The Board considered 15 and forwarded two on to the Foundation Trustees for their consideration.

Here is a brief summary of those Resolutions and the results of the Boards and Trustees consideration.

Board of Directors

Resolution 17R-01 District 2790, Japan to require every club to have a strategic plan – The Board decision is encourage clubs to have a strategic plan, but leave the decision to the clubs.

Resolution 17R-04 RC E-club of District 9790, Australia requested that the Board collect and retain initial club membership numbers. – Board noted that RI already retains that information

Resolution 17R-05 District 3860, Philippines requested that RI require terminating clubs to obtain the district’s endorsement before being reinstated. Noting that the Rotary already has a reinstatement process in place and that there are applicable provisions in RI Bylaws and Code of Policy declined acting on this Resolution.

Resolution 17R-06 District 2840, Japan requested that the Board conduct annual research on the impact of the flexibility in club operations granted after the last COL. The Board has requested that the General Secretary include such analysis in RI’s ongoing research efforts.

Resolution 17R-07 District 2680, Japan requested that the board regularly release information on pilot programs. The Board noted pilot program findings are forwarded to relevant RI Committees, and subsequently used to inform Board and COL decisions and are regularly communicated to Rotarians via various communication media.

Resolution 17R-10 RC Takayama Chuo, Gifa, Japan requested that the Board consider reaffirming that the Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service. The Board noting that the Object of Rotary is a core tenet of Rotary and that one of Rotary’s key goals is to focus on increased humanitarian service declined to act further on this Resolution.

Resolution 17R-12 District 2650, Japan requested that the Board consider adding Rotary’s values and mission to the constitutional documents. The board noted that Rotary’s values and mission may change over time and declined to act on this Resolution.

Resolution 17R-21 RC of Mumbai West Coast, Mah, India requested adding the endorsement of both the District Rotaract Representative and the District Governor on Rotaract Club Certification form. The board declined to act on this Resolution.

Resolution 17R-29 District 2260 Japan, requested that the Board consider posting to the website the deliberative processes and the results of its deliberation after each meeting. The Board noted that the minutes each board meeting indicating Board decisions are already posted but that the discussions themselves should remain confidential to enable full discussion by Board members

Resolution 17R- 30 District 1710 France, requesting that the 5 Year Financial Forecast be forwarded to COL Representatives 15 days prior to the start of the Council on Legislation. Noting the time for thorough review, translation and preparation, the Board indicated that it is unable to guarantee a specific delivery date for the 5 Year Forecast.

Resolution 17R-31- District 2840 Japan, requested that the Board consider not requesting any incremental changes to the RI dues at the 2019 COL. The Board noted that the Board recognizes impact of dues increases but must recommend dues based on needs of the organization.

Resolution 17R-36 Districts 2650, 2680, 2840 Japan, Requested the Board consider showing recent amendments to the Rotary Code of Policies through editorial marks so that it is easier to note the changes. The Board has requested that the General Secretary make available a document that provides information on changes to the Code of Policies.

Resolution 17R-37 District 3070, India requested that the Board consider publishing the annual Presidential Theme in Hindi. The Board requested that the General Secretary in consultation with Rotary senior leaders in Hindi speaking countries provide the annual Presidential Theme in Hindi.

Resolution 17R-38 RC of Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan Requested that the Board consider holding a training session on the use of the electronic voting equipment before the COL commences. The Board noted that training does occur at the COL but has requested the Council Operations Committee to consider how to better inform delegates about the training

Foundation Trustees:

Resolution 17R -17 RC Bourg-en-Bress-Revermont, Ain, France Requested that Environmental Sustainability be added as an Area of Focus. The RI Board referred this Resolution to the Trustees. Noting that the Trustees will be reviewing the Areas of Focus in 18-19, the Trustees chose not to change the Areas of Focus at this time.

Resolution 17R-23 RC of Creston BC Canada Requested that the Global Grant application process have a specific template for water projects. This too was referred to the Trustees. The Trustees noted the cost of an additional on-line template declined the request, but request that the General Secretary consider cost-neutral methods of providing greater assistance to water and sanitation projects.

For a more fulsome discussion please go to the January 2018 RI Board Meeting Minutes and the April 2018 Foundation Trustees Meeting Minutes posted on Any questions, please contact Richard Clarke