United States of America
Spiral Dynamics for Human & Social Development, Politics & Economics
Thursday, June 1| 6:30 to 7:30 pm MDT

Zoom Online Event


We continue with our club-based sign-up platform.  If you are not a member of Golden Rotary, then register as a "Guest."  Click HERE to register.  Here are the steps to register as a "Guest."

  • Click on HERE (above in red) and type in your first and last names and email.
  • Click on the consent paragraph followed by a click to Save.
  • Finally, click the blue button to Register all guests. This will make sure your registration is added to the list!

Here is a short description of the topic and a bio of our presenter program, Sanford Hinden.

TOPIC: In this program, Sandy Hinden explores Functional Democracy, The Eight Levels of Human Existence, MEMEnomics & Wisocracy.  Sandy is a “systems explainer” and educator, making sense out of complex models to help people working in business, NGO, NPOs, and communities better help the world. 

BIO: Sanford Hinden works for world peace, including mutually assured survival that includes ending war, making peace with nature, and developing wellness for humanity. Sandy provides programs for schools, libraries, and organizations in person and on Zoom in personal development, communications and relationships, and social and global development for peace and sustainability. He worked locally, nationally, and globally developing organizations, projects, and programs for peace, the environment, health, human services, education, and the arts. In 2009, he wrote and published 7 Keys to Love – Opening Love’s Door to Joy & Wellbeing. In 2014, he created the Commonwealth for Earth & Humanity, proposing annual 10% global military reductions to be used for funding human, social, and Earth’s needs. Sandy currently works on Wisocracy Learning Lab for wise democracy, peace, wisdom, and wellbeing. His work uses psychology, economics, and politics to explore Global Gang Transformation and movement toward a People's Government for Earth & Humanity.

You will receive a link on June 1, 2023, from Jim Halderman to join the Zoom meeting at 6:30 pm (Denver time; UTC-7).