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Pakistan, one of the last two countries where polio is still endemic, has gone a full year without one report of a child being paralyzed by the wild poliovirus. This shows that a polio-free world is within reach. We recognize the commitment of Rotary members in Pakistan and around the world who have made this progress possible, and we continue to focus on the hard work we still need to do to deliver a polio-free future to all children everywhere.

Rotary members in Pakistan play a vital role in polio eradication by raising awareness and funds, advocating
with government officials, and engaging community leaders. To date, Rotary has supported polio eradication in Pakistan by giving nearly US$347 million in grants to fund vaccines, immunization campaigns, and surveillance efforts, and to hire health workers. We’ve also established medical camps and water filtration plants to bring broader health improvements to communities.

Even as we reflect on our encouraging progress in Pakistan, we also recognize that it is fragile. Surveillance efforts in Pakistan have continued to detect the wild poliovirus in samples from the environment, and challenges in reaching all children with vaccines persist. Rotary and our partners must redouble our efforts to stop polio transmission.