Posted by District Governor-Elect Russ Michaletz (City of Lakes)
Every March, Rotary club presidents-elect (PEs) gather at President-Elect Training Session (PETS) to prepare for the daunting task of effective club management. Topics range from the practical (setting goals on ClubRunner) to the esoteric (motivating volunteers).
This year’s emphasis for 2019-20 PEs will be enhancing the value of Rotary membership. PEs will focus on members’ needs in order to stem membership turnover. We are a “membership” organization, and Rotary members are our primary customers.
Your PE will identify tools to increase the value of membership in your club. Leaders will look beyond Service Above Self opportunities to find ideas for increasing club fellowship and excitement, and member career and vocational development. The PE’s job is to make sure the value each and every member experiences exceeds the cost (in time and money) of being a club member.