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The District 5650 BOD met on April 5th.  FYI, the BOD consists of the following people: 
Thomas Cardwell, District Governor
Julie O’Hara, District Governor Elect
Mick McKinley, District Governor Nominee
Gary Bren, Immediate PDG
Dan Rose, Assistant Gov. Team Leader
Jim Greisen, District Secretary
Jim Mastera, District Treasure
Brian Moon, District Foundation Chair
Sharon Wherry, PDG
Rich Rowland, PDG
Chuck Hannam, At Large member – small Clubs
Irene Fletcher, At large member – Medium Clubs
Matt Darling, At large member – Large Clubs
All were present except Brian Moon. 
District Governor, Tom Cardwell convened the meeting at 6:30 p.m.  District Treasurer Jim Mastera reviewed the following budgets proposed for 2018-19 (the year Julie O’Hara will be District Governor):  The District Budget, the District Rotary Leadership (RLI) Budget and the District Youth Exchange Budget. These budgets are attached for your perusal.  Each of these budgets was supported unanimously and recommended for consideration at the Annual District Business meeting to be held online May 10th at 6:30 p.m.
At this BOD meeting it was also decided that Gary Bren would be selected as the New District Treasurer, assuming office on July 1, when Jim Mastera steps down from this position. 
At this BOD meeting it was also decided that Jim Mastera and Gary Bren would be co-Treasurers of the Rotary District 5650 Foundation. 
The people who were delegates to the yearend Financial Review meeting for the District held Dec. 12th could continue to serve as delegates .  Please plan to have a delegate (s) join me for the May 10th District Business meeting to start at 6:30 p.m. 
As a reminder every club should have delegates attending according to district rules describing club representation.      
Per our bylaws, we need nominated delegates from all our clubs to participate in the meeting.  Those delegates represent your club's voice on matters such as the District Budget and election of Officers.   Your delegates need to be reported to the District Administrator (Nicki Klein: nklein2@neb.rr.com) by May 9th at the latest to be recorded.  The sooner the better! 
When you report Delegates please provide their name and email address and club.   Once your delegates are reported to Nicki, the invite to the online webinar will be sent to them.  This is necessary so that we have certified delegates attending the online event.  We will open the meeting to non-delegates as well, but we need certified delegates reported first.
As a reminder, per the bylaws, each club is allowed one delegate per each 25 members, rounded to the next highest or lowest number.  For example, a club with 37 members gets one delegate and club with 38 members gets two delegates.  The secretary or President of each club must submit their selected delegates to the District Administrator (Nicki Klein) as soon as possible but not later than .   Delegates can proxy their vote to another delegate from the same club.  Such proxies must be reported along with the delegate list submitted to the District Administrator.