How much do I need for a deposit? How much can I expect to borrow? Can I reduce how much I need as a deposit? What is the first home buyers grant and how can I get it?
Entering the property market can be an extremely daunting task, and can feel almost impossible to a lot of young Australians today.
Knox Rotaract is proud to present our home seekers information night. Regardless of where you are on your journey, come along and learn the essential information you will require to get into the property market. Home Loan Executive from the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA), Paula Barrett, will join us to take you through the most vital points of information that she has identified most first home buyers are unaware of.
This event will be held over Zoom. Anyone is welcome to come along! Feel free to invite your family and friends along.
Please use this link to join: https://monash.zoom.us/j/88058266979...