Caesars Windsor

Imagine a District Conference that will feel and look like an International Convention!. Thats what the upcoming May 5-May 7th D6380+D6400 Joint District Conference will feel like!  Pre - Conference water walk, Whiskey tour, Conference Great International Speakers Attendees from many districts, great fellowship and fun!

Location - Caesars Casino and Hotel, Windsor

When -  Friday May 5- Sunday May 7th

REGIASTRAION IS NOW CLOSED.     https://registrations.dacdb.com/Register/index.cfm?EventID=77582171&NoCaptcha

Key Events

  • Pre Conference event will begin Friday May 5th at Centennial Park, Windsor with a Walk for Clean Water at 10:00 am  and a Whiskey Tour at 11:00 am
  • Friday, May 5th 5pm Opening ceremonies / Dinner
  • Saturday, May 6th - Full day of District events; Evening-  Gala with Jennifer and Nick
  • Sunday, May 7th - Sessions with closing by 11:00 am

World Class Rotary and Non Rotary Speakers https://assets.crsadmin.com/Gen/Accounts/50031/EventPlanner/85ade3d4-6bca-4b36-96b4-dd91e5758e02/21418/DistrictConferenceMay5-72023Speakers.pdf

  • JENNIFER JONES - President of Rotary International. 
  • ALBERTO CECCHINI  - Rotary Director 2022-24
  • MITCH ALBOM  -  an internationally renowned and best-selling author, journalist, screenwriter, playwright, radio and television broadcaster and musician. 
  • MITTY CHANG - Passionate Rotarian and The Creative Director and Founder of Candeavor, a digital marketing and design agency
  • KIRK LANGFORD - Proud Rotarian and General Manager of Front Line Leadership
  • TAYLOR HUIE -  a young energetic Rotoractor on President Jennifer Jones Membership growth committee will be the Emcee for our Imagine Collaboration District Conference.  

Sign up for a 5 minute talk on your club projects: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSerUc-MpDxmGSquvJjexPjWPT9R2awN6WpQvAj-RJw7xVEWNg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0

Sign up for a table at the ClubHub / House of Friendship - CLOSED https://assets.crsadmin.com/gen/accounts/50031/EventPlanner/85ade3d4-6bca-4b36-96b4-dd91e5758e02/21491/ClubHUB6400-Fillableregistration01-15-23.pdf

Conference Sponsorship - CLOSED  https://assets.crsadmin.com/Gen/Accounts/50031/EventPlanner/85ade3d4-6bca-4b36-96b4-dd91e5758e02/21419/SponsorshipPAGEConf2023JMMPS.pdf

CLOSED Advertise in the Conference Magazine:  https://assets.crsadmin.com/Gen/Accounts/50031/EventPlanner/85ade3d4-6bca-4b36-96b4-dd91e5758e02/21420/MagazineADPAGEConf2023.pdf

Pre-Conference The Water Walk  https://rotary6380.org/event/district-conference-water-walk/

Pre-Conference Wolfhead Distillery Tour: 11:30 am - 2:30 pm $45 per person  includes lbus, welcome cocktails, tastings and lunch


For more information on the conference, contact Jane McManus (jmcmanus@rd6380.orgor Roma Murthy (romamurthy6380@gmail.com)