Rotarian Peter Labelle spoke to the club about the project in Ghana that will combat the endemic disease, Buruli Ulcer. Buruli Ulcer is a flesh eating disease caused by a bacteria from the same family as leprosy and tuberculosis. Although some research is being conducted and treatment is available, for many, this condition remains shrouded in fear and superstition. Caught at it's earliest stage, treatment is relatively simple and inexpensive. 
This project is based upon early detection and treatment by educating local community leaders, teachers and health care workers who will be able to provide assistance in obtaining the proper medical care at an early date. During the first year, the project leaders will work with our partners in Ghana and will it encompass the villages in one of the Ashanti districts where the disease is endemic.  For the less fortunate for whom the disease has progressed beyond the earliest stage, treatment, rehabilitation and reintegration are also components of the program.