Sixteen more feet of boardwalk ... after a cast of courageous carpenters, under Peter Vician's fearless leadership, completes yet another dangerous sortie to Rotary Park!
Undeterred by hours of delivering roses on Friday, a band of seven talented craftsmen spent Saturday morning adding to our ongoing project in Rotary Park. Actually, talent was not a prerequisite and definitely not possessed by all of us. But with Peter's capable and patient guidance, we kept things straight and level.

The result? Sixteen more feet of boardwalk in three hours. Just 500 more to go. Rumour has it that our efforts have not gone unnoticed at the highest levels ... and we may be called up to complete the Mackenzie River bridge!

Work continues next Saturday ... meet at Rotary Park at 9am. On the job training provided. And, if your work gloves are brand new like mine were, you will only get laughed at a little bit!

For event photos, see: