YELLOWKNIFE, NT  February 14, 2008   NWT Premier Floyd Roland honoured the Yellowknife Rotary Club with a speech in which he responded to three inquiries submitted by Rotarians.  The inquiries were:
1. Please tell us what led you into territorial politics
2. Please tell us what your  governments objectives are for 2008
3. Please inform us how NWT seniors will  be recognized and valued by your government
Premier Roland spoke with enthusiasm about his early years and the life lessons he received from his parents. He described - with humour - early experiences in vying  for elected office with the Inuvialuit and  being a municipal counsellor with the Inuvik Town Council.  These roles were added to his government job and  tourism role -  which also gave him experience and wonderful stories to share with us.  
The synopsis of Premier Roland's life experiences were valuable in helping his audience understand what shapes current direction and policy with the NWT legislature.  Premier Roland spoke to us at a critical time in his premiership. He shared his concerns about fiscal matters and left print material  about  current fiscal  status for us to review.  He addressed his  commitment to NWT seniors as the fastest growing group of NWT residents.  He discussed various aspects of the Dehcho Bridge developments and the worrisome issues of possible public service cuts.  Then he  answered questions posed by the audience. 
Rotarians expressed tremendous appreciation for his forthright presentation which informed us well and warmed our hearts.Â