Posted by Lois Brandes on Jul 26, 2011

Rotary Newsletter for July 27th, 2011: Bill Coulter - Music Night

The Scituate Rotary Club Meeting was convened at 6:30pm on July 27, 2011 at the Scituate Country Club.

Sixteen members were present: Dietrich Bilger, Lambert Brandes, Lois Brandes, Janice Brown, William Clark, Candace Cramer, James Gilmore, Walter Heller, Beatrice Hurwitch, Bart Nuboer, Joan Powers, Janet Schmitz, Jack Stebe, Ben Summers, Lisa Thompson, Bernie Westerveld, and three guests: Bill Coulter, Jane Langmaid, and Brad Langmaid were in attendance.

William Clark led the Pledge to the American Flag.

Ben Summers gave the Invocation.

Janet Schmitz said the 4-Way Test.

Ben Summers presented WOW.

Walter Heller collected Happy, Sad Bucks and conducted the Raffle.

Happy Sad Bucks revealed that Lambert’s birthday is August 1st. Happy Birthday, Lambert!

After dinner, William won the raffle, but alas, he did not draw the queen. 

President, Jamie Gilmore, and Membership Chair, Jack Stebe, are working on engaging new candidates for Rotary membership from the Town of Marshfield or even possibly starting a new club in Marshfield. The projected initiative is to meet on Thursday, August 18, at 8:00 A.M. for breakfast at The Daniel Webster Room in the Tavern behind Roche Brothers off Route 139 in Marshfield. Each Scituate Rotary Member needs to communicate with Jamie and let him know whether or not she/he will be attending this breakfast. Jamie will send an email as plans become more definite. It is important to communicate with business people and those involved in charitable endeavors in Marshfield, and invite them to this breakfast.

There will be a planning meeting on Monday, August 8th to which all who would like to help with this initiative are invited.

Our most pressing order of business was The Pancake Breakfast on August 6th during Scituate Heritage Days.

Jamie had 25 permanent, reusable, and very attractive Pancake Breakfast Signs printed.  They are blue/white, and 18”x24”with frame holders.  Members are to contact Jamie for set-up locations. Small signs are also available to post on bulletin boards and in strategic locations.

Ben reported on the Placemat project.  Placemat Art

Work should be 2”x3.5”, and a black and white email sent to Any outstanding work needs to be in immediately.

Each member needs to sign up to assist with the Pancake Breakfast now.  Remember, our work efforts and smiling faces will do much to create good will and earn $$$ for our many worthy projects in the coming year.

A former Scituate Rotarian, who is now a Clinton Rotarian was our guest for the evening.  President Jamie introduced Bill Coulter by showing a picture of Bill presenting a $2000.00 scholarship from the Clinton Rotary.  Bill presented President Jamie with a banner from Clinton Rotary. 

Bill, and his sister, Jane, were our musical entertainment for the evening. Jane and Bill sang together and Bill accompanied on the guitar. They sang many old songs that we haven’t heard for years, much to the delight of all present.
