Posted by Janice Brown

Rotary Newsletter July 22nd, 2009: Reflections on China

Attending the meeting at the Scituate Country Club were: Dietrich, Janice, Lew, Candace, Eric, Jamie, Walter, Michael, Suzanne, Joe, Karen, Connnie, Bart, Joan, Arthur, Bob, Sandi, Janet, Ben Diane, Veronica, and Bernie. Guests included Suzanne's sister, Cindy. Cindy brought her daughter, Tara and Tara's friend, Cindy. They were visiting here from New York. John-Jacques and Ann Gabernelli from Cohasset also attended the meeting along with John-Jacques's parents who are visiting from France. Joan's grandaughter, on summer break from University of Rhode Island, came to the meeting. Paula Lind, past president and our first female president, was also in attendance.

Candace welcomed everyone to the meeting. Sandi led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Bob gave the blessing Diane gave the Treasurer's report. She also brought back the knife display – the Polio Fund Raiser. Janice passed around a news letter from our friends in Kenya. Janice also sent flowers, from the club, to Catherine Dorsey and Chris Pratt in honor of the birth of their new daughter, Lucy Treacy Pratt. Information was given on the Marshfield Party for the children with cancer. Members put money in the hat" to help buy food for the weekend activities

There was a discussion regarding the Pancake Breakfast Candace handed out a schedule for the breakfast noting the member's responsibilities for the event. Janice and Janet were going to the local supermarkets for donations Eric spoke about the food required for the breakfast. Jamie is in charge of the booth for Heritage days and will be doing a practice set-up at his home before Heritage Days. Walter will be printing the Rotary Brochures Raffle tickets will also be sold at the booth for the chance to win a bicycle.

Suzanne gave a wonderful and informative speech and slide presentation on life in mainland China. Danshuye, a city with a population of 600,000, is where Suzanne and Loic live and work when in China. Suzanne's affliation is with a factory called Multiko. Loic's factory is called Valutronics. We learned that chickens are killed fresh for cooking; children don't wear diapers; ping pong is the game of choice, and travel by motorcycle is very popular. The Chinese people always eat at a round table. Newspaper is the table covering; don't touch the food with your hands, and pigs are lucky. Suzanne showed slides of the city, the condo where she and Loic live, a wedding the attended.

There were also photos of John-Jacques and Ann who went to China for a visit in February.

Bernie was in charge of "happy bucks Meeting was adjourned by Candace.

Respectfully submitted,

Janice Brown, Secretary
