On Wednesday, December 9, a Peace Pole was dedicated at Elvira Elementary School in Tucson. Four third grade classes had been studying and writing about Peace leading up to the ceremony.
Nearly 100 Third Grade Students Paid Close Attention
Peace Pole Committee Members Buck Crouch and John Palacio Unveiled the Pole
Tucson Kino Rotary President, Emma Carrillo, introduced the many visitors to the students and staff.
President Emma Carrillo
Selected students from each class read what they had written about Peace.
Elvira Students will Remember This Day
Elvira Principal Andy Townsend spoke to the students about the meaning and the special location on the school grounds for the installation. Many trees have been planted in this area commemorating former students and faculty. One was especially poignant on this day -- see below.
Something special was added to this occasion - a check presentation was made to Mike Arias, founder of the Victoria Teresa Arias Foundation. Named for his daughter who passed away just as she was about to start her college career aiming toward a medical degree.
Mike had spoken to Tucson Kino Rotary in August of this year and the club decided to make a donation towards the college scholarships the foundation awards each year.
Mike Arias Accepts the Check from
President Emma Carrillo and Member Fil Barrera
Adding to the reason for holding the presentation, at Elvira, was the fact that Victoria had been a student here and a tree had been planted in this yard in commemoration of her passing five years ago.
The Tree has GROWN!
Victoria was a very talented young woman. A portrait of her, wearing her Mariachi costume, is painted on a wall facing the yard.
Victoria Teresa Arias