WHO: Join us for a fun-filled day of golf! The 18-hole four-person, scramble tournament with shotgun start at 8:00 AM. It attracts participants from throughout Southern Arizona and includes contests, hole activities, benefit drawings, and opportunities to win individual and team prizes. The tournament will include a luncheon and a brief Awards Ceremony following the golf round.
WHAT: 15th Annual Rotary Golf Tournament
WHEN: NEW DATE Saturday, October 29, 8:00 AM Shotgun Start
WHERE: NEW LOCATION Silverbell Golf Course, 3900 North Silverbell Road, Tucson AZ
REGISTER: Registration Form appears at bottom of page.
CONTACT: Dr. Raul Bejarano, Chair, 520-481-5710, rbejarano64@gmail.com
WHY: Our goal is to raise $18,000 to benefit the Tucson Kino Rotary Club's literacy and youth development activities. Proceeds raised from the golf tournament help:
1. To provide books and school supplies to kindergartners.
2. To provide dictionaries to third grade students.
3. To provide library books to elementary school libraries.
4. To provide Tucson Kino Rotary Character Awards to local high school students.
HOW: The Tucson Kino Rotary Club presents one of the community’s best loved events, the 15th Annual Golf Tournament.
As a sponsor, you will receive widespread publicity through advertising, printed materials and signage at the golf course in addition to a fun-filled day of golf with games and contests featured on many of the holes.
There are ways in which your business can invest in literacy and youth development activities and support Tucson Kino Rotary’s 15th Annual Rotary Golf Tournament on October 29, 2022.
Corporate and individual sponsorship opportunities range from:
Team Leader Contact Name:
Company Name: (as it should appear on signage)
City: Zip:
Please select:
____ Check payable to Tucson Kino Rotary Club mailed to 5011 W. Paseo de las Estrellas, Tucson, AZ 85745
____ An invoice emailed to you that will allow you to pay electronically from your home or business (3% charge)
____ For a tax deduction, check payable to ProvisionBridge, memo to Rotary Club of Tucson Kino Charitable Fund #15493.
Please send registration and check payable to Tucson Kino Rotary Club by October 19, 2022 to:
Raul Bejarano
Tucson Kino Rotary Club
5011 W Paseo de la Estrellas
Tucson, AZ 85745
Foursome Registration: Please fill out the registration form completely and print clearly.
Player #1
City State Zip
Daytime Phone
Player #2
City State Zip
Daytime Phone
Player #3
City State Zip
Daytime Phone
Player #4
City State Zip
Daytime Phone