Real book readers are always looking for the next “best” book. Yarmouth Rotary Club seems like fertile ground for suggestions. A new column will soon occupy the pages of the ETGIFIY.  Take a moment and email me your favorite books, either old or new. It would be nice to have just a line or two about the book – what made it one of your favorites? If you see a book in the column and wish to comment on it, please do. We also need a name for the column so send suggestions! I thought of "Reader's Writes" but I'm sure someone can come up with something better. I'm going to start with a few of my suggestions. Please add to it :)


Fragile Beasts - Tawni O'Dell - wise, gentle book


The Story of Edgar Sawtell - David Wroblewski - different and   good read


The Art of Racing in the Rain - Garth Stein - engaging - life's tough lessons


PS  Tom this is for Sue and John for your sister (not that you two can't also contribute!)