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RYPEN Overview:

Are you age 15-18? Would you like to meet new friends?
Are you looking for ways to build self-confidence, self esteem, and develop a variety of personal skills?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then RYPEN may be for you!
RYPEN is a five-day Rotary camp that takes place in May. The program is created for young people who want to grow but have limited opportunities to attend other development programs. You will be given an opportunity to learn new things about yourself, your abilities and the world around you.

Who Qualifies?

If you are currently a high school student, aged 15-18, you may qualify.
Participants must be within the age limit, and be recommended by school guidance counsellors, local Rotary clubs, or other organizations that work with youth.
Each student must be sponsored by a Rotary Club. The club will arrange transportation for their students and supervisors. RYPEN participants will not be permitted to take their own vehicles.
Visit the District website to learn more about the program