Having a hard time spreading the word about Rotary? We've got some new tools for you.

As Comedy for Caring approaches and we look forward to participation in a pilot project to attract young professionals to Rotary, you're probably thinking about the best way to spread the word about our club. Never fear--we have some great tools for you.

When people ask you, "What is Rotary, anyway?" answer them with one or more of the following:

  •    Send them to our club's website, BurnsvilleRotary.com. There, folks can see pictures of our work, read stories about upcoming events and learn more about our history. It's a one-stop shop!
  •    Ask them to "friend" us on Facebook. Our page is easy to find: Facebook.com/BurnsvilleRotary. Have you been there lately? If not, stop by; we're regularly posting new videos, pictures and updates.
  •    Share the link to our video, Who We Are, What We Do on YouTube: http://youtu.be/uMbuSJpwMaQ. (The video is also on our club website and Facebook page.)
  •    Visit ComedyforCaring.com for everything you need to know about our upcoming fundraiser, including how and where to buy tickets.
  •    Shop for more than 150 unique items on our online fundraising auction, found at BiddingForGood.com/BurnsvilleRotary.

Remember, these tools are designed to make it easier for all of us to spread the word about Rotary. We want our community to understand and embrace us, but they can't do that if they don't know who we are--and we can't attract new members if they don't know how to find us!