Click here for video of clean up:
Our current Rotary House guests have vacated the house, now that the little girl is on “maintenance therapy” from her leukemia treatment.  Mom said, "From September 2015 to July 2016, this house was home for my family."  When their 2-year-old daughter was diagnosed with leukemia their "world changed".  "While she was hospitalized for weeks multiple times this past year, she loved this home.  She played here, painted, joked and laughed here."  "The most tumultuous is behind us.   The kindness of the Rotary House Foundation is awe-inspiring."
Mom is so appreciative that she has offered to provide respite services for future families. To prepare the house for the next family, we had a Rotary House clean-up day Saturday, August 6.  Members from our club (Pres. Nick Doiron, PP JoAnn Lemmon, PP Leslie Arnal, PP Lynette Andersen, Rod Barbour, Steve Delikat, Greg Higley, and Dell Fystrom), and other clubs, (Orangevale:  Mike McKibbin, Steve Blair, PDG Dave Harris, and Ron Cochran; Foothill-Highlands:  Joe Kaiser, and Bob Meyer, MidTown:  Martha Nelson and her husband, Larry, and her mother, Ellen Hernandez, Bob Daby, and Phil Konz; Sacramento Breakfast:  Deb Thornton; South Sacramento:  Jim Simmons; Passport:  Ed Trujillo), spent the morning cleaning up Rotary House for our next family.