YOUCAN is an organization focused on youth-led initiatives in non-violent conflict resolution and violence prevention, both nationally and internationally. It is a national, non-profit organization whose mission is: "To equip and inspire others to peacefully resolve conflicts and develop healthy relationships in their communities."

The YOUCAN Team Edmonton is taking five Aboriginal and five Non-Aboriginal youth to the "Dealing with Difference" exchange happening this November in NORTHERN IRELAND! This exchange brings together youth of diverse backgrounds so that each can learn about the other culture. In Canada, there is inherent misunderstanding between the Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal people that has led to an atmosphere of mistrust and disrespect between the two groups. This exchange attempts to uncover the misunderstanding between the groups and challenge the stereotypes that each is subject to so that the youth involved can deal with their differences and walk away with altered-and hopefully improved-perspectives about the other group.

This exchange also gives the participants the opportunity to visit beautiful Northern Ireland, learn about their culture, and visit many incredible places while they are there.

The Urban Spirits Rotary Club has donated $500 to this program.