Last Saturday was the District Assembly. I have attended before but this year’s content seemed to reach me at a deeper level, particularly the section on visioning. It could be because we tend to create the wheel every year and I want to stop that process. Visioning involves taking all our dreams and goals for PNR and structuring a 3-5 year plan to accomplish them. Nothing really changes on how we do things. The only difference is we all know the why for our actions.

I am very excited of the prospect of our club doing visioning. This will allow the continuity of our best practices, consistency of our message, and the consensus of the club will surely mean success for PNR. You will be hearing more about this process in the near future. I hope you will join in and be part of the visioning process. We need everyone to make PNR work.

See you at Friday’s meeting to watch how the Mock Trail Team works. Coaches Steve Sherman and Jerry Prettyman will be there to guide us through the case being presented to the court. These kids are so good it’s scary!

All the best to you and your families on Passover & Easter, Jane Doe