AGENDA and Minutes/Notes
2024-01-03 NOON, MILBURN CC
Welcome — Joe & Happy Birthday, Ellis TODAY!
Present: Joe Bast, Dennis Monahan, Roger Beason, Jim Rehor, Jim Anderson, Lisa Battani, Barb Jones
Project/Activity Updates:
Nov 29 & Dec 6: SMR Board Meetings:
  1. Bellringing commitment: Hy-Vee Roger, Barb, Jim A
  2. Angel Tree gifts: Dennis purchased and Jim R, Joe and Barb wrapped/delivered Dec 13
  3. SM Rotory Club Holiday Party, Dec 16, Milburn, Open bar, <$20 gift White Elephant exchange. 21 attended
  4. Board position vacated by Ed C - Due to Club size at this time, decision made NOT replace.
  5. Reviewed individual annual dues structure:
    1. $500 Active-Sponsor, $200 Active-Regular, Honorary.
    2. Lunch will remain $10/member when in attendance. Budget shortfall on meals will have to be made up in other ways.
  6. Anti-Human Trafficking Health Kit assembly - set:
    1. Jan 11, 6-8pm, in Countryside Christian Church Fellowship Hall (6101 Nall Ave, Mission, 66202);
    2. will be joined by Lenexa Rotary Club, Steve Nettles contact member.
    3. Joe attended Dec workday in Topeka on Dec 11 to assemble kits there and brought back supplies for KC area distribution.
    4. Storing supplies in Barb’s garage. More information below.
Treasurer’s Report: Jim Anderson
  1. The Board reviewed line items in the financial report and the primary concern is to maintain a balanced budget in light of lowering Active-Regular dues. Jim R noted that reinstating the tradition of donating Happy Dollars and Birthday Dollars would really cover any deficit projected. Discussion of what groups do for fundraising covered major events to simple projects. Hesitancy seems to be around the continuing question of whether this club will take off… membership as well as capacity for fundraising… and those will drive the nature of the club.
  2. Jim reported to the club that he would like to have the issue of “a foundation” addressed at the next board meeting. He stated that he is NOT in favor of the club engaging in establishing, running, or utilizing a Foundation as part of its financial structure.  Jim informed the Board that if a Foundation is established, the Board will need to find someone else to administer it and take fiduciary responsibility for it, as it will not be part of his Trustee responsibilities to do so.  The fiduciary responsibilities related to establishing and maintaining a foundation far outweighs the minimal benefit it would offer a club of 19 people.
Today's Review:
  1. Current membership status:
    1. 12 Active-Regular (Bast, Bogan, Erickson, Eszter, Jones, London, Mann, Mattes, McConwell, Ourada, Rehor, Schultz, Russell)
    2. 7 Active-Sponsor (Amos, Anderson J*, Battani, Beason, Chick, Metzker, Monahan)
    3. 4 Honorary (Boone, Hess, Potter, Smith B)
  2. Status of Honorary Members a Club can have, per Mandy Sheldon, Exec Admin to District Gov., Jan 3, 20241 text to Joe B:
“There's nothing in the RI Manual of Procedure which states any kind of rule for the
number of Honorary members. Your club would need to establish that and put it in your bylaws”
January Activities:
Jan 11 - Anti-Human Trafficking Health Kit assembly - 6-8pm
  • Joe and Barb will get materials to Countryside Christian Church. Lisa and Dennis will come at 6.
  • The church will have round tables already set up, usually 8 are there. Setup can be done on site. Barb will have access to miscellaneous office supplies like paper if needed. Bring our own packing tape, markers, etc.
  • Once project is done we can help load Denise Lester and Kristy Child’s vehicles. Barb will take pictures. Dennis, Lisa, Joe and Barb can be there, OTHERS??
  • Guests: Patti Mellard (Grant lead); Denise Lester (Rended Heart); Kristy Childs (Veronica's Voice)
  • Jan 10 is Ed McConwell’s day, Roger is working on a speaker for that day.
  • Jan 24 Stoney Bogan will present information on the NE JOCO Chamber of Commerce.
Adjournment 1:05
Barbara Jones
January 4, 2024
Corrected by: Jim Anderson, Joe Bast
2023-12-13 Noon, Milburn CC
Welcome - Joe
Inspiration Moment - Adrian Eszter (& sponsor of our guest speaker Matt Henderson)
Guest Speaker today:
 - Matt Henderson, Business Development Director at BRR Architecture.  
Project/Activity Updates:  - Dec 1& 2: Johnson County Holiday Shop
- Kudos: Jim R, Barb, Stacy, Lisa, Joe, Wayne & Peggy
- Nov 29 & Dec 6: SMR Board Meetings:
      1- Reviewed Bell ringing commitments; decision to wrap gifts on Dec 13.
      2- SM Rotary Club Holiday Party, Dec 16, Milburn, Open bar, <$20 gift White Elephant.
      3- Club Board - Due to Club size at this time, we will
           NOT replace open Board position for Ed Coulter.
      4- Reviewed individual dues structure.
      5- Anti-Human Trafficking Health Kit assembly - set: Jan 11, 6-8pm, in
          Countryside Christian Church Fellowship Hall (6101 Nall Ave, Mission, 66202);
          will be joined by Lenexa Rotary Club, Steve Nettles contact member.
          Brought supplies back from Topeka for 55 kits (pants, hoodies, scarves, gloves, socks,
          mylar blankets; still need more of certain items to fill out the kits); will use Costco
          gift card for as many items as we can). 
- Dec 9: Bell Ringing for Salvation Army - HyVee; Kudos: Roger, Barb, Jim A
Looking Ahead at Club Schedule:     
 - Dec 13: 2nd half meeting: Adopt A Family : Wrap & Deliver 4 gifts purchased (Dennis) to Powell Ctr
 - Feb 28: Speaker, Dave Huston, Lenexa Competition BBQ Judging
 - TBA: KC Zoo & Aquarium social outing - Dennis M & Lisa B, Coordinators.
 - TBA, Spring warm weather
 - TBA: possible Rotary on the Road, Amelia Earhart Hangar Museum, Leavenworth, KS
 - Fundraiser Committee:  when to meet?   
Any Comments Before Adjournment?
4-Way Test & Adjournment