Our meeting yesterday, July24th, was a big one!
We enjoyed a presentation by Wade Bartley with
Help a Child Benefit. They are celebrating their 17th anniversary on Saturday, October 19th with a chili cook-off, livestock show, brisket cook-off and more! Please see attached brochure in the photos. All proceeds from this event help children in need.
This year is the 100th anniversary of our Greenville Rotary! We are planning an anniversary celebration. Details to come.
Mark your calendar for the Cotton Patch Challenge happening Saturday, September 21st! We are looking for sponsors for this event. Please reach out if you are interested in sponsoring!
We presented a $500 check to Tools for School! This program helps students in need of school supplies and ensures counselors have supplies on hand for students in need. This program is in its 16th year!
If you have any questions about these events or are looking for more ways to get involved with the Greenville community please message us. We would love to have you at our next meeting!
At our July 17th meeting we enjoyed a presentation by the Audie Murphy American Cotton Museum. The museum has made several new improvements including a new exhibit featuring famous people from our area. They have several upcoming events we are sharing here!
Our Rotary also presented the museum with a check for $1,000! Thank you for maintaining history in Greenville. And thank you for your presentation last week!

We also enjoyed a wonderful Presentation from the East Texas Model Railroad Club. Thank you for your time!

At our meeting on July 3rd, Rotary honored ABBA House with a fundraising effort, presenting them with a check for $255. We then surprised them with an additional $500 check!
Our presentation for the meeting was Rich Sasek from Greenville Middle School, who heads up the Robotics program. Thank you, Rich, for your time!

George Gomez, Greenville Rotary club member, presented to the club a program about banking and mortgages. George explained to the club how current mortgage loan interest rates for borrowers are affected by the Fed rates that began increasinging after covid to help lower the rate of inflation.
President Duane Gaulden presents a $500 check for Tools for Schools to end his year as club President. Presenting the check is Community Service chair David Weiland.
We enjoyed a wonderful time at our Rotary end-of-the-year banquet, commemorating the 2023 - 2024 year with President Duane Gaulden. President Gaulden's speech highlighted a year filled with enjoyment, music, dedication, and community service.Duane recognized several club members with awards and had the pleasure of presenting Don McBride and Larry Mays with Paul Harris Fellow pins.The final award of the night, Rotarian of the Year, was presented to Threesa Sadler.
As his leadership term concludes, we eagerly anticipate another fantastic year under our incoming president, Colleen Smith. Colleen was officially inaugurated by her longtime friend and former Rotary President, Mike Conway.

RYLA Assistant Counselors, Daven Denney, Jed Williams and Jace Franklin were guest speakers at the Greenville Rotary Club. They each shared with the club a little about their personal experience and how being an AC was different than the life of a camper and how they were able to help shape and mold the lives of RYLA camper's. I have added a parent's facebook post that expresses not only how the parent's feel but how proud the Greenville Rotary Club is of these young men.
To say I am proud of Daven Denney, Jace Franklin and Jed Williams would be an understatement!! They presented to our Greenville Texas Rotary Club today about their experience going back to Camp RYLA District 5810 but this year as Assistant Counselors! It’s amazing the growth that can happen in one year but the sweetest thing they did was recognize Kami Williams and myself for making a difference in their lives by encouraging them to go to camp last year because last year none of them wanted to go to Camp RYLA and this year, they were all three selected to return and help lead the camp as counselors!! These three need to be on your watch list! They are going places because they know how to live outside of their comfort zone and achieve great things!! Thank you to our club for giving them this opportunity and for supporting and encouraging them all along the way!! #campRYLA #ReachForTheFuture #StepOutOfComfortZone #ServiceAboveSelf
The 2024 RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) participants, sponsored by the Greenville Rotary club, were guest speakers at this week’s meeting. They each spoke about what they had experienced at the camp and how they have grown in being a leader.
RYLA is an intensive leadership experience organized by Rotary clubs and districts where you develop your skills as a leader while having fun and making connections.
What are RYLA benefits?
Build communication and problem-solving skills
Discover strategies for becoming a dynamic leader in your school or community
Learn from community leaders, inspirational speakers, and peer mentors
Unlock your potential to turn motivation into action
Have fun and form lasting friendships
Click the link to see the complete program. Just excuse the free hand movement.

Do you ever get unwanted calls? If so, Greenville Rotary Club’s own Katy Ridge has an answer. Katy spoke at the noon meeting about the Do Not Call Registry. Many of us have signed up for the DNC list and thought that would help cut down on the calls but as Katy explained, many call centers do not check the registry before they begin calling consumers. This is where the DNC can help. They provide tips to help combat the unwanted calls and spoofing, implement rules to protect and empower consumers and they even take enforcement actions against bad actors. As consumers we need to sign up and report the unwanted calls to the FTC, helping them gather information and track numbers being used for telemarketing purposes.
For more information or to sign up please visit. www.donotcall.gov

David Diggs was our guest speaker for our meeting today. David spoke to the Greenville Rotary club about the upcoming Carry the Load Event. Carry The Load’s Memorial May campaign takes place all month long to raise awareness and provide active ways to connect Americans to the sacrifices made by our military, veterans, first responders, and their families.The National Relay travels 20,000 miles covering all continental 48 states, ending with the Dallas Memorial March.
David also spoke about the Krodle Foundation. The Krodle Foundation is committed to making a difference in the lives of Dallas firefighters and their families. Founded in February 2014 by the family, crew, and close friends of Lt. Krodle, the Krodle Foundation exists to honor and carry on Lt. Krodle's legacy.
Our mission is to support those seeking higher education, help those in need, and pay forward the acts of kindness and grace that so many offered his family following his death.
President Duane Gaulden presented David a donation check for Carry the Load.
For more information and to donate, please visit their websites.
The Greenville Rotary club celebrated the Rotary Scholarship recipients at today's meeting. This year Rotary scholarships were awarded to:
Kylie Worrell, grand daughter of David & Annette Weiland
Sunny Sickels, grand daughter of Debbie Sickels
Kenobi Corrales, son of Shelley Corrales
Jace Franklin, son of Shaun Franklin
Jed Williams, son of Kami Williams
Congratulations to all of these amazing students!!
Dr. Mark RudinPresident of Texas A&M Commerce, was the guest speaker at the noon meeting. Dr. Rudin shared the Universities stratigic plan with the Greenville Rotary Club.
The Strategic Priorities and Goals are Student Preparedness, Elevate Research, Create a Welcoming Community characterized by respect and collaboration and Align Our Initantives to support our unique rural-urban identity.
We are blessed to have such an amazing University in our County.
Community service chair, David Weiland and President Duane Gaulden present a check to Whitney Williams, Executive director of the United Way of Hunt County. United Way mobilizes communities to close gaps and open opportunities so everyone can thrive. To donate or volunteer please visit the website https://www.unitedway.org/
Duane Gaulden, Rotary President, presented certificates to May's Student and Teacher of the month.
Amiya Clark was selected as the GHS student of the month.
Bridget Huber was selected of GHS teacher of the month.
Congratulations to you both!!
Shelley Corrales, President of the Greenville Chamber of Commerce and fellow Rotarian spoke today about the chamber's Hunt County Senior Service Alliance. Their mission is to advocate, educate and develop resources for the senior citizens of Hunt County. You can attend a monthly meeting and see how you or your company can contribute and become a member of HCSSA for a $50 annual fee. Dues collected help sponsor HCSSA scholarships, senior resource fair and the warmth drive. In 2023 they serviced over 800 senior citizens with Blessing Boxes, purchased 15 space heaters, 25 air conditioners and gave our $4000 in scholarship money.
Visit the Chamber website to join or donate. https://www.greenvillechamber.com/hunt-county-senior-service-alliance/
Julie Sickels and Rotary member Shelley Corrales, accept a check from the Greenville Texas Rotary Club, for Project Graduation. Project graduation provides the seniors a night of fun, games, gifts, music and a safe environment to celebrate with their friends.
Devlin Kirchman with the Sabine Valley Amateur Radio Association, receives a check from the Greenville Rotary club. The SVARA provides constant contact with amateur radio operators along the Cotton Patch Challenge routes helping to ensure that all riders have a safe ride.
One Rotarian stated it well “They are like a safety blanket over the ride”
Presenting the check is Larry James, SAG lead for the cotton patch challenge.

Empower 7, President and founder, Melanie Cobb was the guest speaker for the weekly meeting at the Landmark. Empower 7 is a Faith based, Family focused, Growth structured organization that helps vulnerable youth in North Texas discover purpose focused on healthy family dynamics. They provide a 7-step model to help bring life changing solutions with a Christ centered environment helping them become connected members in their communities and to help them discover purpose and reach their full potential. Please visit their website for more information. https://empower7.org/
Rotary President Duane Gaulden presented a check to Melanie Cobb from the Rotary Club in support of Empower 7.
Today's meeting was educational. The Greenville Rotary Club was honored with several of the surrounding School Districts Educational Foundations members. We had representatives from Quinlan, Boles Home, Commerce, Lone Oak Caddo Mills and Wolfe City. They share with the club how the Educational Foundations are serving students, teachers and each district. President Duane Gaulden and incoming President Coleen Smith, presented a check to each foundation to help them help others.
Greenville Rotary President Duane Gaulden is pictured with April's GISD Student and Teacher of the month.
President Gaulden presented a Rotary certificate to GHS student of the month, Michael Adeluyi and Teacher of the month, GMS Coach Nacona Ford.

Michelle Carter, Carevide Chief Executive Officer, presented to the Greenville Rotary Club. Carevide, a Community Health Center, was establihed in 1977 in Greenville, Texas and has facilities located in Bonham, Commerce, Cooper, Farmersville, Greenville, Kaufman and Sulphur Springs. They provide family medicine, womens health, pediatrics, school-based healthcare and dental services.

Duane Gaulden, President of the Greenville Texas Rotary Club club service chair David Weiland present a check to the Boy's & Girl's Clubs of Northeast Texas.

Club Service Chair, David Weiland and President Duane Gaulden present a check to Everyday Angel's.
Tom Darte, retired general manager for the Greenville Electrical Utlity System, was our guest speaker today. Tom explained how regulated and deregulated energy effected both the consumers and the producers. He spoke to how a regulated energy market provided a surplus to help in building new power plants and the current electricity only plan we have gave consumers he ability to search for the best cost, but left us with a lack of reinvestment in the energy producing facilities.
Micah McBay, Venue/Tourism Manager for the City of Greenville provided an enlightning program to the club Wednesday, the upcoming Total Eclipse of the Hearts event. Greenville has a weekend of fun planned leading up to the eclipse.
Come out and join the fun!!
More information can be found at Greenville Eclipse.com
Community Service Chair, David Weiland and President Duane Gaulden present a check to the Executive Directer of the
Raffa Clinic, Threesa Sadler.
Trina Coldiron accepts a check for
SCRIPT, from Community Service Chair David Weiland and President Duane Gaulden.
The Greenville Texas Rotary Club, started the month off with a bang. The guest speaker for the day was the new Athletic Director and Head football coach of the Greenville Lions, David Collins.

Congratulations Travis on receiving your Blue badge!!
Presenting Travis with his badge is David Weiland.
Another Chili Fest in the books!
It was a day filled with work, friendship, fun and serving Chili.
Thank you to all of our Sponsers!!
Noon Rotary’s own, Robert Hite from CERT & CART gave a program about the local response teams.
Community Emergency Response Team, CERT & Child Abduction Response Team, CART. A voluntary certified group that helps in searches, abductions, and sadly recovery.
The guest speaker for the noon meeting was Brian Toole, Director of County Development. Brian gave us an overview of the various duties of his office that include policies, permits, regualtions, engineering, and development of RV - tiny home communities and housing developments in Hunt County.
The county development office can be reached via email at: development@huntcounty.net or phone (903) 408-4204
Nathan Paredez is issued his blue badge by membership chair, David Weiland.
Colonel Gerald Kichan (RET.) spoke to the Greenville Rotary club about his book, From Saddle to Parachute. The book, a photo-biography provides glimpses into the military service of Polish officer CPT. Jerzy Z. Fijalkowski-Bereda, who started as a cavalry cadet officer assigned to the Warsaw Mechanized Brigade and ended his service as one of the highest decorated soldiers of the 1st. Polish Independent Parachute Brigade.
President Duane Gaulden and Club Service chair David Weiland present a check to the Hunt County Children's Advocacy Center's Executive director Holly Robinson and Director of donor development Amy Melton.
Busy day at the Greenville Texas Rotary Club!!
Haeley Arnold and James Steele finalized their membership requirements by giving a three min speach before membership chair, David Weiland, presented blue badges to all the new members of the club.
Congratulations to all that received their blue badges!
Rotary celebrated GISD student and teacher of the month for January during the weekly meeting. This months GISD student of the month, Isabella Freeman, Ryla camp participant and member of the GISD Interact club.
Teacher of the month is Coach Roy Price. Coach Price is at the Travis Intermediate campus.
Congragulations to you both!!
Blake Taylor give his 3 minute speach. One more step towards his blue badge.
Please help us welcome Dr. Rose Ngishu, MD, Internal Medicine to Greenville.
Dr. Ngishu spoke about the importance of having a primary care physician, someone that can help develop evidence based, simple and effective wellness plans.
Dr. Ngishu's office:
4501 Joe Ramsey Blvd.
Suite 100
Health is Wealth, without nothing else matters!
The guest speaker for the meeting was the Greenville Tourism Manager, Stacy Foley. Stacy shared several local attractions that draw people from all over to visit Greenville. A couple she shared were the Audie Murphy Museum/American Cotton Museum, Kety Tree Farm and the Farmers Market.
What a special treat we had during our meeting.
Mr. & Mrs. Santa Clause dropped by the noon meeting to spread some holiday cheer.
Thank you for taking time out of your day and visiting with us!
David Ellis is presented his Blue badge by club membership chair David Weiland.
Travis Potter, Vice President of Business Development for the Hunt Memorial Hospital District was the vocational speaker for the month of December.
We are blessed to have such an amazing healthcare facility in Hunt County.
President Duane Gaulden presents the Greenville Rotary Clubs December Teacher of the Month, Jennifer Caldwell, teacher at STEM @ Crockett.
Christmas party was fun!! We played some games, sang some songs and laughed as the Texas Road house & Home Depot gift cards kept exchanging hands.
Not only was it a night of fun but also an opportunity to give back. Gift cards were collected to be donated to CASA.
Personal hygiene care packages were packed and ready for delivery to the Bonham VA after the meeting on Wednesday.
The Greenville Texas Rotary Club was entertained with Christmas music from the GISD Encore Choir directed by Mr. Scott Surface.
MIllicent Akuffo presenting her three minute speech.
Lt. Col. Choya Shanahan, TX 645 Commander of the Civil Air Patrol was our guest speaker for the meeting. Lt. Col. shanahan shared several of the benifits and training available to the cadets from flying, search & rescue training, team building to an avenue to making friends. Civil Air Patrol cadets range from 12 yrs to 19 yrs old, meeting one a week for 2 hours and one Saturday a month. There is also opportunity for adults to join CAP as a volunteer and you could help in search & rescue, aviation, become a metor to the youth.
For more information visit CAP at there meetings on Monday's at 6 pm at the L-3 Harris Bldg 434 10001 Jack Finney
Larry Green Jr. accepts a check from Community Service Chair David Weiland and Club President Duane Gaulden. The Rotary club of Greenville is a long time supporter of the Bob Wills Fiddle Festival & Contest. This years event will be held November 3rd. & 4th. The Big Ball in G-town dinner & dance will be held Friday evening and the live music will begin Saturday morning at 8 am ending with a concert at the Greenville Municipal Auditorium. Come out and enjoy a weekend of music.
President Duane Gaulden and Community Service Chair David Weiland present a check to Lori Cope, Executive Director of CASA for Hunt County.
Bill O'Neal, author and Texas Historian, with over 35 published books to his credit. A few of his books are: The Encylopedia of Western Gun Fighters, Frontier Forts of Texas, 1830 Citizens of Texas: A Genealogy, Brick Book Best of the West and the John S. "Rip" Ford Texian Hero. Bill shared with the club some the stories about Rip Ford. He came to Texas from Tennessee as a young physician, was the owner-editor of several Texas newspapers, mayor of Austin and Brownsville and even elected to the State of Texas's leislative bodies and the Lone Star Republic. Rip Ford was a bold, fearless combat leader, an expert pistoleer, and a master tactician who led hard-hitting cavalry charges against foes with far greater numbers.
Check out Bill's work, you are sure to be entertained.
Susana Gomez, Teacher at Carver Elementary is the October teacher of the month.