Launching Our Club’s New Rotary Year
Jul 16, 2021 12:00 PM
President Lisa McBee
Launching Our Club’s New Rotary Year

Lots going on tomorrow! President Lisa McBee is back in good health and has been practicing her bell-ringing.

Tomorrow she’ll be telling us all about her goals for our club this new Rotary year, sharing her plans on how we’ll achieve those goals, and reminding us of the members who will be leading us in those tasks.

Lisa’s sister Dana set the bar pretty high during her term as Club President in 2019-2020, but sisterly competition can run deep, and President Lisa has the ambition and ability to make this our club’s best Rotary year ever!

Let’s have a big turnout and show Lisa that we’re behind her all the way.

BOARD MEETING REMINDER: There is a Board of Directors meeting at 11am. Topics will include committee updates, new business matters and a general discussion of opportunities and concerns. Sue has sent out the Board minutes from our last meeting and Dan has sent out the current financial statements, both are for your review prior to the meeting. All members are invited to attend and contribute!

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