President Bruce welcomed everyone to the Rotary luncheon and reminded all of the "Engage Rotary - Change Lives," Call to Action and of his Call to Action: “Fun Through Service.” 


Walt led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Scott provided a thought for the day on the Rotary Foundation.  Alan led an engaging song.    


President Elect Alan introduced guests for the meeting: Sanjay Dave, engineer and on his third visit to the club; and Ally Nguyen, from Interact and Counselor in Training  in the recent RYLA Camp.   Ally thanked the club for "all the Rotary opportunities." 


President Bruce made and introduced announcements:

·        Don’t forget to let Paul know (not Chuck or Judy anymore) if you won’t be at a meeting or if you will be bringing a guest.  Please let him know by Monday at noon so he has time to contact the caterer.  Paul’s email is

·        Also, please don’t combine dues and other payments in the same check.  President’s Club and other contributions are now tax deductible and go directly into the Charities Account.

·        Twana announced the District Governor’s Spouse Project: collecting underwear.  New underwear, needed in all sizes, collected by our club will be given to CSA for distribution to the homeless.

·        Our Crazy hat social meeting is on August 27th, 5:00 pm at Scotts on Castro.   No noon meeting that day.  This social meeting will be followed by a Sports Attire night on September 24th and mask night on October 29th.  

·        Day At The A’s, Saturday, September 7th .  MVPD YSU have requested 15 tickets.  Sign-up sheet circulating.  14 folks signed up mostly for 2 tickets.  They really can only use 15 tickets, so if we can get one more person on the list, we will only need to buy one ticket each.

·        The sign-up list was circulated for CHAC Parking September 7th and 8th.  Bruce Bucks will be given to all participating. 

·        Reminder:  The CHAC Open House is September 20th at 5:30 pm.

·        Flyer was circulated on “Where Do District Governors Come From?”  September 21st, 10 am to12 pm at the Doubletree. 

·        MVPAL “Night of Laughter” on Friday, September 27th, at 8 pm at the Performing Arts Centre.  This will be a social event for the Club.  Flyer and signup sheet were passed around. 

·        Armadillo Willy’s 30th BBQ Birthday Bash will support San Jose Rotary’s Play Garden scheduled to open in 2014 in Guadalupe Park in San Jose.  The BBQ will be on Sunday, October 6th at San Jose’s History Park at Kelly Park.  Flyer passed around.

·        Scott announced that the noon luncheon meeting on Tuesday, October 22nd will be at Moffett Field.   Col Steve Butow, Commander of the 129th Rescue Wing will provide tours of facilities and aircraft on that day. 

·        Reminder of the "Avenues of Service" meeting on Thursday, October 17th, 5-9 pm, at the Doubletree.  Carl Guardino is the keynote speaker.  Flyer and signup sheet on the Board.

·        Alan announced the date of our Holiday Party: Friday, December 13th.   Please mark your calendars.   Location to be announced. 

·        The Poinzer Scholarship Empowered’s Career Empowerment Program is an online education program offered through UCLA Extension.  Courses start in October and January and last 9-12 months.  Normal cost is $8,000.  Flyer on the Board.

·       Remember the "Significant Person Rotary Email List" for bulletin distribution ... on board

·        Bill briefly reported on his recent trip to Fiji and our potential Rotary project there.  The local chief there in Fiji (Jeffery) is willing to collaborate on the project.  More to come on this project in the future.

·        Twana announced the Saturday, October 12th club service project to assist the Trinity Methodist Church in serving a meal to 100-150 homeless.  Volunteers will assist with serving and with clean-up.  The time:  9:15 - 10:30 a.m.    


Tom, Foundation Chair, handed out Rotary Foundation pledge information and ask for all club members to consider their annual pledges and to return their completed form to him. 


Dave, Funmaster, related a few excellent jokes and recognized some club members.   


Alan introduced our speaker Richard Wexler, from Points of Life, LLC.  Richard told how he created Points of Life from personal experiences when he and his wife helped three of their aging parents through crises.  He spoke of the increasing high costs of elder care and of resources his organization has to help preparing for these costs.  His "Elder Care Assistance Plan" provides contacts with any professionals you might need for taking care of aging loved ones or friends.  He encouraged all to maintain a current estate plan. 


Reminder:  Next week will be our "Crazy Hat"  Mixer at Scotts on Castro in Mountain View.  No 3-fer is needed for the meeting.