Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
President Elect Nominee
Past President
Club Secretary
Club Treasurer
The Rotary Foundation
Executive Secretary
Membership Chair
Family Chair
Programs Chair
Community Service Chair
Community Service-Pancakes
Fundraising Chair- golf carts
Fundraiser-Masquerade Ball
Cayucos Middle School Interact Advisor
Morro Bay High School Interact Advisor
RYLA Coordinator
Rotaract Advisor
Web Administrator

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Club Information

Welcome to the Mighty Little Club on the Central Coast


Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Thursdays at 7:00 a.m.
Luna Cafe
1st Thursdays @ 7AM & 3rd Thursday @ 5PM
84 N Ocean Ave
Cayucos, CA 93430-1604
United States
1st Thursdays @ 7AM & 3rd Thursday @ 5PM
Home Page Stories
One of Cayucos Rotary's annual projects is to provide back packs to needy families at Cayucos School.  Our club is glad to be able to support and help these families. Each back pack is stuffed with goodies, including great stationery and some art supplies.
We celebrated Kathy’s birthday, had many Happy Bucks, Emily Campbell was named Rotarian of the Month, and DGE Sherry Sim gave an outstanding presentation on the Rotary International Conferences. It was mainly about the 11 that she has attended, including most recently, Melbourne, and she used a slide show and video that she put together with beautiful video and pictures! She was trying to recruit more members to attend since she has had such great experiences, but we do have Sherry, President Scotty McManus and PE Dave Nygren who will be representing our club. Our Rotary rides the wave!
Great monthly beach clean up for our growing club after the big 4th of July parade and celebration! Surprisingly, it wasn’t in that bad of shape… great job for the community, and it was great to have original charter member Jessica Peterson, past president Michele Lilley, President-Elect David Nygren and his girlfriend Amanda Woodgrift, Dale Kaiser, brand new transfer member Christel Chesney, and a slew of Cayucos Interact student club members from Cayucos Elementary to help this morning! We even had a guest from the Lake Arrohead Mountain Sunrise Rotary club, Norbert Loewen, help us out today because he was in town visiting Dave.
Cayucos Rotary's Golf Cart Raffle is still on. Thank you to everyone who bought a ticket. Our club is grateful for your support. Your purchase of one or more goes to fund all of Cayucos Rotary’s service projects in Cayucos and beyond.
Tickets are available. Look for our members at Cayucos Pier each weekend. Drawing will be on Labor Day, Sep 4, 2023. Thank you and best of luck to all.
Outstanding turnout at President Scotty McManus’s first meeting of his tenure! We shared how well we have been doing on our raffle tickets for the golf cart as we already covered our cost and are now making money until Labor Day. We also recapped how the July 4th parade float went and suggestions for improvement next year. In addition, we welcomed two new members, Christel Chesney and Tim Carr who transferred from the Cambria club.  We are so happy to have them join us!
Cayucean, Los Osos & Morro Bay Rotarians were out in full color, loud & visible to promote Rotary and how we will aim to “Create Hope in the World” at the Cayucos 4th of July Parade.
Cayucos Rotary's golf cart raffle is on. Come and get your tickets. $20 each or 7 for $100 gets you 7 chances to win you an electric golf cart.
About 5 1/2 hours to assuming duty, incoming president Scotty McManus and president-elect David Nygren were at the Cayuos Pier on Friday, June 30, 2023, to put up American flags. This community service is sponsored by our club each year! Cayucos Rotary wishes all everyone's a very safe and happy Independence Day this year.  May visitors and Cayucans alike enjoy the flags on display on our pier!
Korea-Japan friendship conference sparks dialogue

Rotary leaders from both countries reflect on the challenges and opportunities of peacebuilding across borders

A pioneer in Black horror fiction resurrects her uncle's history

Former Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar Tananarive Due, a pioneer in Black horror fiction, resurrects history of her forgotten uncle

The election observers

An election monitoring mission in Nigeria presents a pathway for peacebuilding

The disaster recovery playbook

After historic storms, Rotary clubs look to Florida’s hard-earned wisdom about disaster recovery efforts

Specialists in the field

When Rotary members learn of a need in a community, it’s a good time to deploy the experts: a vocational training team.