Speaker July 14 -- Preston Metcalf -- Curator Triton Museum of Art

Preston Metcalf

Preston Metcalf is blessed with the ability to recognize great art, but cursed with the inability to produce it … that is why he is a curator and art historian. He began his career as a Curator of Art at the San Jose Museum of Art. He then moved to the Triton Museum of Art, first as Curator of Education, then as Assistant Director for several years. Preston then went on to become Executive Director of the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art. He has lectured on art and art history throughout the country and abroad. He has had published more than sixty articles and essays on artists and art history. After a brief interlude of teaching and writing, he returned to the Triton Museum, where he now works as Curator of Art. He also teaches Art History at Mission College, San Jose City College, and the Triton Museum of Art.