12:00 - 1:00 PM MEETING
September 23
September 30
Matt McClure,
Executive Director of Artlink
Spin for September 23, 2019 at PROMENADE PARK
GREETERS: Steve Smith (Fort Wayne Medical Surety) & Lori Stinson (North Eastern Group Realty)
CASHIER: Kurt Beuchel (1st Source Insurance)
INSPIRATION: Irene Walters (Community Volunteer)
Rotary Is….TBA
HOUSE: Kurt Beuchel (1st Source Insurance) & John Gliot (Anthony Wayne Boy Scout Council)
SPIN AUTHOR: Barb Wachtman (Retired)
Web Master & AV: James Cress (Retired Pastor)
PROGRAM: Promenade Park & Steve McDaniel, Director, Fort Wayne Parks Dept
MENU: Box Lunches: Salad only, Chicken Caesar Wraps, Ham Deli Sandwich, Turkey Deli Sandwich, Chips, Applesauce, Cookies, Water
(Photo from September 16, 2016 Meeting)

Reporter: Barb Wachtman, Community Volunteer

Johnson addressed the noon meeting of the Rotary Club of Fort Wayne at Parkview Field, Monday, September 16. Major trends – and imminent changes -- in the workplace include:
- Unavailability of qualified workers: With unemployment extremely low and job applications extremely high, the workplace is seeing fewer available, skilled workers. Current baby boomers’ retirements exacerbate the situation.
- Different motivations: Earlier generations of workers sought job security, steady advancement and defined benefit plans. Today, workers want to stay connected with each other and their workplace, expect real-time feedback in performance, more gratification and greater flextime.
- Enhanced workplace: This can range from “Taco Tuesdays” to on-site gymnasiums.
- Assist more with childcare: Provide reimbursement, subsidies and/or on-site care.To adapt to these trends, Johnson noted some changes employers are making:
- Flextime: Build more flextime in the workplace, including allowing employees to take vacation time in one-hour increments.
- Test less for drug use: Some employers test less or not at all for marijuana use, given its growing legal status across many states and increased use.
- Sabbatical please: Offer six-month (or longer) sabbaticals, with assurance that the employee’s job will be secure upon his or her return.
- Graduated wage program: Some employers raise weekly wages for hourly workers to match increased hours worked.
- Tuition repayment: While many employers offer tuition reimbursement, some have begun offering tuition re-payment for college costs. These programs generally come with promises the employee will stay with the company for a set number of years.
Clearly, millennials are making their mark, and employers are adapting.

Interact: Thriving at New Tech, coming to Homestead
The Interact Club is thriving at New Tech (High School) Academy in Fort Wayne, reported Lori Stinson, chair of the Interact Committee. Service projects have included volunteering at St. Mary’s Soup Kitchen, playing games with nursing home residents, sending hats and gloves to orphans in Romania, and other projects.
And the good news doesn’t’ stop at New Tech! Stinson announced a new Interact Club is being formed at Homestead High School. She emphasized the Interact Committee needs more volunteers at both high schools.
She added, “Have lunch with Interact from 1:30 – 2 pm on the last Tuesday of each month at New Tech. You can take your lunch, grab a lunch at New Tech, or just visit with the students. We’d love to have you come out and see the enthusiasm of these students,” For more information, contact Lori at 260.415.9702 or Lstinson@stinsonteam.com.
September 30 Health & Wellness Fair at Washington School
We need volunteers at Washington Elementary School, 1015 W. Washington Blvd., to staff the Health & Wellness Fair from 3:30 to 5:30 pm, September 30, announced Julie Bobay, co-chair of the Washington School Committee.
Bobay said Managed Health Services (MHS) of Indianapolis, is coordinating the Fair, and Rotary Club of Fort Wayne is a Fair partner. “We’ll be serving healthy foods, offering cost-effective healthy recipes, helping with financial management and providing lots of other information,” Bobay said. She said so far the fair includes 14 vendors.
Please contact Julie at 260.760.7287 or jbobay@scibuild.com.
Welcome to Rotary!
These two people officially joined the Rotary Club of Fort Wayne on Monday:
Jay Maddox: Jay is a returning to the Rotary Club of Fort Wayne after a couple of years’ absence. He works at Horizon Bank and has been involved with Boy Scouts of America. Welcome back Jay!

Angie Grant: Angie was a Rotary Youth Exchange Student to Argentina in 1997-98, and has now joined Rotary as her way to “give back.” She is a graduate of Indiana-Purdue Fort Wayne, is a commercial lender at First Federal Bank, and is active in the community.

Zone in, sign-up and serve on!
Hundreds of Rotarians from across the greater Midwest and southern areas of the U.S. will be coming to Fort Wayne October 10-13 for the Rotary Zones 30-31 Heart of America Leadership Summit. This can involve you in several ways, explained past District 6540 Governor Lisa Waterman and past club president Tm Gibson.
Welcome Visitors and Provide Transport: Provide transportation for attendees to and from the airport. Tim emphasized Rotary needs many “welcome and transport” volunteers. Please contact Tim at 260.348.1465 or tgibson17rotaryworld@gmail.com/ (Insert into your email).
Attend the Leadership Summit! Visit the Rotary Heart of America website: https://www.rizones30-31.org/ for more information. 

UPDATE! THE LOFT IS BEING MOVED TOWARD BARR STREET! On Clinton Street there will be 10’ sidewalks, almost 6’ park strip from the curb to the sidewalk, and about 3’ from the foundation of the building to the sidewalk! That is about 20’ from the foundation of the building to the curb! There will be two rows of trees: the 8 maple trees and 13 oak trees (about 3 1/2” in diameter). Net gain: 2 trees. While the trees will not provide the shade right away as the ash trees do, there is hope for the future! Tom Trent, local attorney, said after the last Plan Committee Meeting the previous week, he received questions and concerns from all sides of his family! His wife voiced concerns, his father-in-law, Fred Eckart - member of our club and his family also had questions about the plans. The pastor who married Tom and his wife voiced concerns. The Journal-Gazette had another story about the Avenue of Trees on Saturday, September 14, 1019 with a color fall photo of the Avenue of Trees and stated that now is the time to speak out. Tom and the architects decided there was more that could be done to satisfy this community and have taken the steps listed above. Thanks to Holli Seabury, Randy Roberts, and all who have worked with this situation! ... James Cress

Please consider joining us as a volunteer at Washington School with Study Connection.
A tutoring/mentoring program that matches adults to work one-on-one with
kindergarten - 5th grade students.
Study Connection meets on Tuesdays from 2:55-3:55 pm. - September thru May
If you can't make a weekly commitment, consider partnering up and tutoring every other week.
Volunteers play a BIG role in the students lives - by helping them with homework, reading, most
importantly just by being a mentor, and opening the students eyes to to all that they can achieve.
If you would like more information on the program, please contact Julie Bobay or Lori Stinson.

2020 Rotary International Convention
For those planning to attend the 2020 Convention, rooms are quickly filling up – contact Lisa Waterman for room reservation information.
UPCOMING PROGRAMS: Invite a guest to hear…………..
September 30: Matt McClure, Executive Director of Artlink
October 7: Bruce Kingsbury, PFW Environmental Resource Center
October 14: Sara Gabbard, The Lincoln Collection
October 21: Tim Smith, Republican Candidate for Mayor
October 28: Tom Henry, Democratic Candidate for Mayor
September 24: Board Meeting, 8 am
October 7: Local Service, 11 am
October 14: RYE, 11 am
ANNOUNCEMENTS…Mark Your Calendar
September 30: Community Health & Wellness Fair at Washington Elementary, 3:30-5:30
October 11: Zone 30 & 31 All Club Luncheon with Rotary International President Elect Holgar Knaack
October 10-13: Zones 30 & 31 Leadership Summit in Fort Wayne
October 29: World Affairs Conference
Membership at a Glance: 132 Active and 10 Honorary
Timothy Durnell, VP Private Banker, First Federal Bank of the Midwest, Proposed by Greg Allen
Chuck Wolfe, WCA, Strategic Solutions for Non-Profits, transfer from Lima OH Rotary Club
Maurice Pearl, General Manager, CitiLink, Proposed by Jason Daenens
Jay Maddox, Market President of NE IN, Horizon Bank, Proposed by Lisa Waterman
Jacquelyn Mann, Office Manager, IES (Innovative Engineering Services), Proposed by Stephanie Veit
Angela Grant, Vice President, Commercial Lender, First Financial Bank. Proposed by Greg Allen
Fort Wayne Newspapers, Sponsored by Rick Zolman:
Scott Stanford, President & CEO (member of Ski Town USA Club); Sherry Skufca, Editor of Journal Gazette; John Christensen, Director of Sales & Marketing
Associated Churches: Kelley Bawmann, Development and Volunteer Coordinator
Star Financial Bank: Jim Griest, SVP, Private Banking. Former member of this Club and Warsaw IN
RESIGNATIONS (as of May 1): Louise Jackson, Dave Kaverman; Jorge Ortiz; Masson Robertson;
Allen County Public Library Corporate Membership—Greta Southard & Stephannie Smith; Tom Heil with Associated Churches Corporate Membership;
Win Rood, a 50 year member of the Rotary Club of Fort Wayne since 1969