Club Local Service

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100th Anniversary Project: 

Conceptualizes, plans, organizes and implements an awesome community project that will engrain the South Bend Rotary Club into the fabric of the South Bend community. 

Bell Ringing: 

Coordinates and recruits Rotary volunteers to ring bells in support of Salvation Army fundraising.

Center for the Homeless:

Serves evening meal at the Center the second and third Friday of each month and provides free juice and coffee for Center guests.

Club Awards: 

Administers the Club awards program.

Disabilities Awareness

Promotes awareness of the abilities of persons with disabilities and recognizes local businesses contributing to the betterment of individuals with disabilities through a special club luncheon event.

“Done-in-a Day” Service Projects

Identifies service opportunities and recruits and coordinates volunteers to tackle one-day service projects that build community awareness.

History Project: 

Creates a set of products to celebrate and memorialize the century of service of South Bend Rotary and serve as a recruiting tool for future members created in a way that can be built upon in the future.

Philanthropic Award:

Reviews applications and recommends the recipient of the annual charitable award given through the South Bend Rotary Charitable Foundation. Works closely with the local charitable Foundation.


Selects local high school graduates who have overcome major life hurdles to receive South Bend Rotary Charitable Foundation scholarships for continuing their education at an accredited college, university or technical/vocational school.   Mentors recipients on life skills and the college experience to help ensure the students' success.  Works closely with our local charitable foundation.

Thanksgiving Baskets: 

Develops and coordinates resources and recruits volunteers in creating and delivering food baskets to needy families through St. Vincent De Paul.


Coordinates and recruits volunteers to assist with WNIT’s annual membership drive.