On Thursday July 23rd at 6:30, we had our first virtual Installation of Officers and Paul Harris award ceremony.
Rotarian of the year was shared by Kurt Podeszwa and John Turner for their hard work in putting together and facilitating the virtual meetings.
Brice Milliorn acted as installing officer and installed the Officers and Directors.
2020 – 2021 Board of Directors
President: Lowell Ogle
President Elect: Dr. John Turner
Vice President: Gena Wilimitis
Secretary: Kathleen Schwarze
Treasurer: Daphne Kohring
Past President: William Grote
The Rotary Foundation: Cathy Boeker
Public Relations: Becky Bosse
Membership: Kurt Podeszwa
Service Projects: Christi Yackel
Fundraising: Roger Ross
Sergeant-at-Arms: Barbara Wilganowski
Club Administration:Open
Congratulations on this year's Paul Harris Awards 
Brandon Guillory
Andy Hefferly
Walt Edmunds
Lee Panko
Amanda Stolz
Perfect Consecutive Years Attendance Awards for 2019 - 2020
This certificate is awarded to Rotarians who have had CONSECUTIVE perfect attendance years. These Rotarians earned this by regularly attending meetings, earning make ups through E Club meetings, visiting other Rotary Clubs, and participating in club committees and activities.
One Year:
Gregg Appel
Cathy Boeker
Mike Grunder
Lowell Ogle
Dr. John Turner
Rebecca Wellmann
Christi Yackel
Charles Tom Smith
Two Years:
Jon Hill
Four Years:
William Grote
Roger Ross
Leslie Wood
Five Years:
Barry Brass
Kathleen Schwarze
Gena Wilimitis
Six Years:
Daphne Kohring
Brice Milliorn
Kurt Podeszwa
Seven Years:
Barbara Wilganowski
Nine Years:
Ron Werchan
Eleven Years:
Becky Bosse
Seventeen Years:
Bill Kaminer
Twenty-Four Years:
Bob Cox
Charles Gaskamp
Forty-Three Years:
Hal Machat