Jul 20, 2020 12:00 PM
Roy Richardson | Hack Proof Your Business
Roy Richardson | Best Practices to Hack Proof Your Business

Aurora InfoTech

Learn more about our Company

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Aurora InfoTech provides cybersecurity and Information Technology (IT) consultancy, management, and support to small businesses and companies of all sizes.

Our portfolio of services & solutions includes cybersecurity assessments & consulting, remote management & monitoring of IT infrastructures, data backup & disaster recovery, managed firewall & VPN, cloud-based business software, network design & deployment. Additionally, we provide 24×7 end-user support via our US-based help desk and remote monitoring & management of network infrastructure via our geographically disbursed Network Operations Centers (NOC).

We also offer a variety of custom projects designed to help optimize your IT infrastructure – including software installations, migrations, setups, configurations, and more. Our technical support is unparalleled and accessible: our technicians can perform the work overnight or over the weekend to minimize interruption or downtime at your office.