Isabel Villarreal
Rotarian of the Month
April 2019
This Rotarian is a beginner,
But she’s not afraid to step up which makes her a real winner.
She has proven quick and eager,
To jump in even though her tenure is a bit meager.
She has the enthusiasm this club needs for the future,
A lady of action, a doer of deeds, a real Rotarian booster.
And now in our moment of  need,
We truly appreciate her stepping up to lead.
We Rotarians have the reputation of being long in the tooth,
But look at us now, bringing the youth.
Just the tonic that’s required,
For this collection of old stogies and the retired,
She’s been a big help at all the car and fashion shows;
But she’s not just into clothes, now she’s working those hot potatoes. 
She has shown the courage to step right up,
So, let’s get together and support this pup,
Cause she is someone really especiale,
Our Rotarian of the Month and President Elect, Isabel Villarreal.
Poets: Cindy and Rex Moran, 2 April 2019