Our newest club member, Ronda Prince, delivered an interesting and educational presentation on May 19, 2011.  Ronda is a "health awareness advocate" who shared with us the benefits of controlling the acid/alkaline balance in our body by limiting the amount of acids that we input into our body via foods and drinks.  Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg discovered in 1931 that "cancerous tissues are acidic and healthy tissues are alkaline".  So, the more "acids" that we consume, the more our body shifts to sickness.  Ronda demonstrated with several samples of water that even bottled and tap water that a lot of us drink are acidic.  She then introduced us to Kangen Water, which is water that is clean, alkaline and has antioxidant potential.  Kangen Water is attainable via a special filtering machine unit that attaches to any ordinary faucet.  This machine will then filter and alkalinize your tap water, making it healthier to consume.  Ronda concluded her presentation by sharing with us her own personal health testimonial and by allowing us to taste the Kangen Water.  To learn more about Kangen Water, please visit www.yourmiraclewater.com.
