Making ICCS' David's Place a home
Club members helped make homey touches at Island Crisis Care Society’s newly established six-bed supportive recovery home. Calling it “David’s Place Recovery Home,” ICCS is offering long-term placement opportunities for those who have completed the first steps of recovery and want to continue working towards living sober and living well.
Visiting NACL's Evan Morr Acres
The Nanaimo Association for Community Living (NACL) recently acquired a 52 acre farm in South Wellington. The farm will help NACL meet its strategic objectives of housing, employment, and educational/community inclusion opportunities for the people it serves, as well as self-sustainability.
Our club toured the farm in June and enjoyed a lovely lunch and informative presentation in September. A few members joined NACL volunteers in November to help with late fall chores.
Touring the Nanaimo Community Hospice
Our club recently made a donation to Nanaimo Community Hospice to repair its roof. As a thank you, Executive Director Sharon Welch invited members to an open house to tour its office and counseling building and learn more about Hospice.