We have some AMAZING Craft Beers from the Fun Fest available. The options are listed at this link:  tinyurl.com/nzen7vsk  Although valued at $30/grouping they can be yours for a donation of only $20.00 each (11 different types of beer in each option).  There are 3 groupings, so get your choice of Group A/B/C OR all three for a $60 donation. Please email Keith Kreft @ keithkreft@comcast.net (click on Keith's email address to send email) with your choices and arrange a time to pick them up. You don’t want to miss this great opportunity. Please make out the check to “CREF” and hand it off to Keith when you pick up the beer.  Any questions, please email Padma at Padma.Lotus.Chari@gmail.com   