Minnetonka Rotary Club
The Spoke
The Spoke
Weekly Report
(Photographers - Various)
(Reporter - Phil H.)
September 11, 2024
The Marsh, Second Floor, Minnetonka, Minnesota
(Editor - Mike G.)
Editor Notes
Member Submissions - See the end of The Spoke.
Next Meeting September 18, 2024 - President Olson called the next weekly meeting in person and Zoom at The Marsh, 15000 Minnetonka Blvd, Minnetonka, MN.
New Pictures - Send to michaelcglover@comcast.net. Ed.
************* See Social and Service Activities Below **************
From the Members and Archives
IMPORTANT UPDATE to Upcoming Events Below
Important - Check with meeting leaders to confirm date, time and location information for all events below. 
Happy Bucks and Polio Pitcher Donations
Please send your Happy Buck and Polio Pitcher donations to Mac  H. as follows:
Mac Hardin
Minnetonka Rotary Club
12926 Rutledge Circle
Minnetonka, MN   55305
Rotary International Foundation
Please send your end of year donations to Chris Rosenlund as follows:
          Chris Rosenlund
          8672 Meadowvale Drive
          Eden Prairie, MN 55347
Meeting Minutes - Phil H.
President Alissa Olson rang the bell at 7:30 am.
Jaime Belden, Amy Rogers
Invocation given by Scott B., a meditation on the anniversary of 9/11.  The best response to fear is positive actions, which is what Rotary is all about.


4-Way Test
International Theme
Everyone. “The Magic of Rotary”
Bob H. -  Community Service opportunities
                  1) Resource West festival, Friday 9/13, 5-8
                  2) Bikes:  Oct. 18 drop-off.  Glenn J. will put out email
                  3) Blood Drive coming in November
                  4) Adopt a Highway
Jerald S. - final push on Links & Libations.  Return raffle tickets and register guests!  Jennifer St.C. has sent an email with volunteer assignments and times.
Tony N. - Board Meeting at ICA this Friday
Frank B. introduced Jaime Belden who gave a report on Future Roots Project, which works on training teachers, teaching literacy, and distributing home water purification devices in Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Belize.
New Member Induction
None this week.
Rotary Minute
None this week.
No winner, roll it over!
Foundation Award Checks or Thank yous
None this week.
Happy Bucks
Bill S. - for all the beer!
Shauna K. -  kids back in school, husband made Jr. Partner
Ben M. -  son's ACL injury doesn't require surgery
Ann W. -  will be away next week
Chris C. -  for the beautiful sunrise and the Jamres J. Hill weekend
Sara E. -  will have a baby in March;  congratulations!
Cathy C. -  for the generosity of all the members in filling the bucket(s) of booze
Glenn J. -   the Aikens wrestling team taking out docks for a fund raiser
James M. -  for daughter Annie visiting from Spain where she teaches English
Don Cunningham presented the work of the Club Visioning Committee for member feedback and reaction.  He presented the draft Vision Statement (where we want to be in the future), the Mission Statement (what we do now). and the Core Values:
Service, Responsibility, Inclusivity, Opportunity, Collaboration, and the Foundation.
The Committee will continue to work on an Action Plan, but will shift to monthly meetings.  Don will send out an email with the draft Visioning Statement for further member review and comment.
Happy Bucks and the Raffle netted $63, while the Polio pitcher collected $111.
Meeting adjourned at 8:28am.
Submitted by Phil H.
Member Submissions
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