Ed Adams, brother of Rotarian Tom Adams, was our guest speaker at the 4-5-2012 meeting of the Rotary Club of Chickasha.

The April 5, 2012 meeting of the Rotary Club of Chickasha opened with a prayer, pledge and songs.

Guests included the Adams family, Kyle Mottinger and Shane Wyatt.

Prayer concerns include Bill Harrison and Bill and Janice McVey.

CHS will not be in session on Friday, so no one is needed to greet freshmen students.

Rotarian of the Day was Tom Adams, who introduced his brother, Ed, who is v.p. of development and strategy for the Harris Corp.

Harris supplies communication and sat com links for the military, governmental agencies and private business.

Ed some of the companies clients include the DOD, FAA, FBI and CIA.
Ed recently got back from Brazil where the company landed a huge contract. Harris does about 6.1 billion in revenue annually, that is expected to grow to $10 billion by 2015. 
About $600 million is spent annually for research and development of the technology.

Among the company's services are

• Radio Frequency Communication.

• Government Communication systems

• Integrated Network Solutions.

Ed said the company sells its technology only to the U.S. and its allies.
"We ensure systems do not get into the wrong hands," he said.

The meeting adjourned after recitation of the Rotary 4-Way test.