Rotarian and City Manager Stewart Fairburn was our guest speaker at the 4-12-2012 meeting of the Rotary Club of Chickasha.

The April 12, 2012 meeting of the Rotary Club of Chickasha opened with a prayer, pledge and songs.

Guests included Paul Lewis and Jamie Woods, who talked about the April 17 Salvation Army Rescue Roundup.

Prayer concerns include Bill and Janice McVey.

RYLA applications for high school juniors are due this week.

Your help is needed every Friday during the school to greet Chickasha High School freshmen from 7:30 a.m. to 7:45. See Bill McVey for details.

A thank you note has been received from the CHS after prom committee and from Friends of Scouting for donations from the club.

Rotarians were reminded to sign up to work the May 19 Rotary Run at Shannon Springs Park.

Perry Ramsey was Rotarian of the Day. He introduced fellow Rotarian and City Manager Stewart Fairburn.

Stewart updated the club on several projects currently underway in the city.

Some of things he mentioned included

-- Renovations at the Chickasha Public Library including a new roof and ceiling tiles. The council recently approved the library to add electronic books to its arsenal.

-- Phase one on the remodeling of the Police Station will be complete by June, 2013.

-- Several dilapidated building have been targeted for demolition around the city.

-- Renovations to on the Rock Island Depot are almost complete. The depot will celebrate its 100 anniversary on May 4.

-- EDC funds are being used to replace sidewalks downtown and to light the viaduct.

-- Improvement are being made at all city parks and the sports complex.

-- A new sign is being constructed to guide people to the airport. The airport will host a fly in on May 19.

-- Work continues on improving the cities water supply and upgrading the water infra structure.

The meeting adjourned after recitation of the Rotary 4-Way Test.