June 17, 2021 was the first in-person gathering since the beginning of the pandemic for the Rotary Club of Weston and Wayland. This event marked the annual award ceremony with which the new President Paul Lualdi received his new – official – presidential gavel!  
Special guests included District Governor Diana Nestorova and Joseph De Vito, President and CEO of Village Bank. DG Diana presented the 2020-21 Rotary Club of the Year award
WW Rotary also presented two Paul Harris Fellow awards to Jan Luchetti and John Marchiony. Their hard work and dedication to building the club up to what it is today led the Board of Directors to orchestrate the presentation of the highest honor that one can be awarded to a Rotarian to recognize their efforts.
Congratulations to all of the award winners. You do amazing work.
See the whole article that appeared in the Wayland and Weston Town Criers, published by Wicked Local
A wonderful gathering in the grand BAllroom of the Weston Golf Club, our formal home. 
Richard DeVito and Rob Mosher surrepticiously orchestrated the nomination and presentation of a well-earned Paul Harris Fellowship to Jan Luchetti, Membership Chair, past president, and District 7910 winner of the Avenues of Service Award for 2021. 
President Paul Lauldi, sharing his aspirations for 2021-22 just after being installed as President of the great Rotary Club of Weston and Wayland.