Rotary of Needham
Tuesday:  August 11, 2015
Pledge of Allegiance: Rich Forte
Song:  God Bless America; Led By: Bob Cocks and Ron Sockol
Prayer: Led by Darrell Minnich
Guests: - None
. Board approved Bill and Chuck’s 12 subject banner designs for Chapel St.  Rich will check with Lara Spear for branding confirmation
. At August 18th meeting we will discuss our vision plans for the future of our club.  We will have a Visionary meeting on an October Tuesday evening from 5:00-9:00pm at the Sheraton.  Rich will ask a member to be chair of this group to establish and follow up on our goals for the upcoming years.
. Ryan will form a nominating committee for a successor plan.  See Ryan is interested in being on the committee.
. Dictionary order has been placed.  Distribution will include St. Joseph School this year.  If you are interested in being a sponsor for all or part of cost let Rich know.  (number of books – 23x24=552)  We plan on including a bookmark with logo of sponsors on one side and the Rotary 4 way test on the other.
. Rich’s goal is to have all events revenue neutral.
. Bill received an email from a Needham resident whose niece is in Myanmar Rotary.  They are looking for help after floods in the area.  Bill asked if we could join with other clubs to help.  He will get further information and report back.
Happy dollars: 5 year old who loves the dentist; GTBH; one request for rain between 1-4 am; proud father whose daughter has an apartment and a job with AmeriCorps but who also qualifies for food stamps; weekend trip with grandkids to Hopkinton State Park – great place.
Birthday: None today
50/50 drawing: $247 in pot; Kathy had lucky ticket. Still looking for the 10 of spades
Joke of the Day: Three very inebriated men hailed a cab and got in.  The driver, seeing the state that they were in, started up the cab and then turned it off.  The first man opened the door while handling the driver some money.  The second man said “Thank you” on the way out.  The third man slapped the driver, “Why did you slap me?” the driver asked.  The third man answered, “You drove so fast you almost killed us.”
Presidential minute: He was 22nd president; an officer in the Civil War; instituted tariff and the Sherman Trust Act; he also made sure we have state forests today.  Benjamin Harrison.
Great golfer born in August: Ben Hogan
Great tennis player born in August: Pete Sampras
Guest Speaker:  None today
 5 minute Rotarian: None today
Rich proposes preparing a calendar of events for the coming year that will need sponsors so it will be easier to approach the donors.
            Dictionaries – Family Federal and Condon Realty interested
            Thanksgiving dinner
            Reality Fair
            4th of July float
            Pancake breakfast
            Music festival
            Spelling Bee
Chris Teachout at Needham Bank has been approached.  We should also approach current and former scholarship recipients for both sponsorship possibilities and donations to the fund.  We need volunteers to help collect names, addresses and emails for the winners.  Ryan will work will Bill on this and start creating a solicitation letter.  We should begin a “Pay It Forward” campaign and invite them to lunch.
501 (c) 3 statuses was again discussed and tabled until needed.
Next meeting: Tuesday, August 18, 2015 at 12:00 at Needham Sheraton