Rotary Club of Needham
                                          August 21, 2012

Charles led us in the pledge of allegiance. Bob Cox led the way with America the Beautiful, and Darrell led us in prayer.

* There will be a rally and parade for Ali Raisman next Sunday @ 2 PM.
* No further news on the Pancake Breakfast.
* Crutches for Africa- Ending the end of this month per Karen
* Ken met with the Asst. Principal regarding coordinating students and Rotary
* There will be a district Conference Planning Event at the Foxboro Holiday Inn
* Chris wants everyone to run the 9/13/12 5K sponsored by the Charles River Center
* 10/6/12 Rotary Leadership at the Boxboro Holiday Inn
* The District Conference is coming up in Hyannis (if you’re not receiving emails on this, let Jim Brown know). At a minimum, Karen Wetmore, and, Ted Shaughnessy will be attending. Although you can go for just a meal, it is 3 days May 18-20.

Charles Eberly, a Rotarian from Washington State
Brenda Diaz, a prospective new member who works at Wingate.

Birthdays: none!

Doug’s joke: Three steelworkers were having lunch on the 34th story. An Italian, a Jew and a Polish person. The Italian opened up his sandwich, saw a meatball sub and exclaimed: If I get another meatball sub tomorrow, I will jump off the beam to my death. The Jew opened up his sandwich, saw a bagle with cream cheese and said the same thing. The Polish man opened up his sandwich, saw a Kielbasa sandwich and reiterated what the first two said. The next day they were having lunch together and the Italian opened up his sandwich, saw a salami sandwich and was happy. The Jew opened up his sandwich and saw a gifilta fish sandwich and ate it happily. The Polish person opened up his sandwich, saw that it was again a kielbasa sandwich and jumped off of the 34th story to his death. The Italian looked at the Jew and said: I don’t understand it; he makes his own sandwiches.

Bill’s joke: A man accidently rubbed a lamp and out came a Genie. The Genie told the man that he would grant him three wishes but that his most hated person would also get double the three wishes. The man made the first wish for $10,000,000 and he received it and his most hated person got $20,000,000. Then he made his second wish. He asked for a Ferrari and a Mercedes, He got them and the hated person got two each of them. Then he wished that he could donate one of his kidneys.

Happy $$$: Eric for moving. Rich for having lunch with Eric. Roberta and granddaughter coming in from CA., Rick Davis for a great weekend with his grandchildren. Melissa celebrated her youngest child’s 2nd birthday, Deb happy for Brenda being an official prospective Rotarian, Scott for a great weekend at the Vineyard (no moss under his boat), Louise for Kathy doing well, and Darrell for best wishes for Jerry.

50:50: Louise had the lucky number of 554, but did not draw the right card. Pot is unknown as Greg is going to Las Vegas (no he just didn’t get to count it).

Guest Speaker: Today’s last minute speaker was Doug “the Hammer” George sho was asked to give a 'Classification Talk': that is tell members about himself, his family, and about his classification.

Doug is a Needham High graduate, whose offices are in needham, George Associates. Doug counts himself as one of the luckiest people alive, having a wonderful wife, and 2 great children: a daughter and a son! The son is an Attorney, and the daughter and her husband srill live with him and his wife. Does the film 'Failure to launch' ring a bell ?

Sounds like Douug has been doing construction all of his adult life. He teamed with his Dad, and now runs the business by himslef. Professionally, he discussed the ins and outs of modular construction. Since he is so modest and the Newsletter editor this week, let me say that Doug showed us a Youtube video of one of the modular home contruction companies he uses in buuilding and installing modular homes, his preferred method. Pre-built modular home are less expensive to build and install, quicker to build, and give you all the options and benefits of homes that are constructed on site. See the Youtube link below.

Doug has been a wonderful addition to the Needham Rotary Club, willing to do anything for anyone at any time. A great addition! Thanks Doug...