We, once again, met at Olympian Hall this past week.  The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance, then we were treated to a “Toast to the Flag” presented by Harvard Holden, a visiting Rotarian from South Brunswick Islands, North Carolina. 


Mel and Michelle greeted our members, panelists and guests, thank you to you both.


Jeremy provided our Thought for the Day.  He asked us to think of a few of the most influential people in our lives, how we learned from them and to remember that we too, are teachers.  Great thoughts Jeremy, thank you.


Tara passed around a sign-up sheet to help with meals for Dr. Meg Holpuch.  She and her husband Morgan, welcomed a new baby girl, Henley Brynn, into their family last week.  If you would like to help out, please contact Tara.  Congratulations to the new family!


Scott Marr presented several certificates to new Jack Black Fellows:  Karen McRight, Carol Johnson, Jody Corey, Loretta Conway, Rich Gloor, Otis Wragg and Susie Wilkinson.   There were also members that received their multiple Jack Black fellows and I apologize for not having a complete list.  To become a Jack Black Fellow, a member must contribute at least $1000 to our local Rotary Endowment Fund.  Thank you to all for your support to the Fund.


I shared a brief recap of the Board meeting from October.  The Board did accept the final financials from the Rotary year 2017-2018.  New member applications were presented for Nancy Smith Beste and Chancie Keenan.  Both have had two readings and will soon be inducted into our Club.  A resignation was accepted from Bill Kennedy as he is moving back to New York.  Leave of Absences were approved for Margit Watts from November 1st to December 31st and for Steve Hitchcock from October 1st through November 31st.  A clarification for recording make-ups was made.  All members will receive one make-up for attendance at a committee meeting, work session or other make-up worthy event.  There has been some confusion as to whether a make-up would be offered for each hour that is volunteered.  We do need to keep track of the hours of volunteers, but we cannot offer a make-up for each hour.


Geneva Taylor introduced the participants in the final political forum of the season.  She invited representatives on both sides of the ballot issues, but unfortunately, not all representatives were present at our forum.  The following were in attendance:  Tim Corrigan spoke to Propositions 109 and 110, Bernie Boescher presented Amendments Y and Z, Scott Ford and Barbara Robinson (a last minute stand in volunteer) debated 2A, Kathi Meyer presented Amendment 74 and Proposition 112, and Roger Good and Gary Peterson presented Amendment 73.  Thank you Geneva for your hard work on organization of our political forums this year and we all need to study hard and fill out those ballets.  No need to emphasize we are ALL looking forward to Election Day, November 6, 2018.


Thank you to Tiffany for hosting Good News and thank you all for helping pick up chairs, tables and trash.


Next week our meeting is back at The Grand.  Come learn about some of our newer members, Brett and Joanna Allison, as they present their Classification Talks. 


See you Tuesday,

Carol Johnson